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What to Do if You’re Deferred from Michigan in 2024

Ivy Divider

If you just received disappointing news from the University of Michigan, you’re not alone. Every year, thousands of Early Action applicants receive news of their deferral to the Regular Decision round. Luckily, there are some steps you can take to increase your chances of admission in this next round. 

1) Remind Yourself: There is More Than One Pathway to Success

We know this is not the news you were hoping for—but it’s still an accomplishment to be deferred. (Think how many other applicants were denied admission to UMich all together!) Moreover, there is no one school, internship, or job that is going to lead you to success. That’s the great thing about life: we’re in the driver’s seat, and there are more roads available to us with every turn.

2) Read over Michigan’s Instructions for Submitting a Letter of Continued Interest

The University of Michigan offers deferred applicants the opportunity to make a case for their candidacy in the form of an Expression of Continued Interest letter. The instructions read as follows:

Applicants who are not initially admitted in Early Action will have the opportunity to submit an Expression of Continued Interest (ECI) form to include additional information that was not part of their original application. The ECI allows for an equitable experience for all applicants who desire to send additional information after their application is completed.

In order to fill out and submit the ECI form, please log into Enrollment Connect, navigate to the action items section, select Verify Continued Interest, and click the Expression of Continued Interest form link. You will be given a text box to write up to 250 words to express continued interest, to let us know about new achievements/awards, and/or to share additional information about yourself with us.

If you would like to submit additional information, our preference is to receive only the ECI form, grade updates, or any specifically requested information. You may submit recent high school grade updates by contacting your high school and having them send a Mid-Year Report showing any recent grades that are available before mid-February. Anything outside of this (extra recommendations, research papers, artistic portfolios for non-majors, etc.) will not impact your final decision.

The Expression of Continued Interest form is voluntary and is NOT required for us to consider your application in our decision process. Furthermore, no preference is given for the order or date in which the form is received. If you choose to submit this form, it must be submitted by March 8 for all first-year applicants. Additionally, please note that we will only allow for a single submission of the Expression of Continued Interest form, and you will not have access to edit the form after it has been submitted.

Limit: 250 words

3) Sign up for the College Essay Advisors Expression of Continued Interest Package

It’s time to write a short essay that will have admissions officers kicking themselves, wondering why they didn’t admit you the first time around! Your personal Advisor will help you to brainstorm, draft, and revise a letter that succinctly updates admissions on your recent accomplishments and reconfirms your interest in the institution (in short: if you accept me, I will attend—and here’s why!). Your Advisor will help you make the most of the 250 allotted words. 

So, what are you waiting for?! Get in touch to sign up for CEA’s Expression of Continued Interest Package, so your Advisor can walk you through the writing process one-on-one and ensure you have the best possible chance at Regular Decision admission!

Sign up for CEA's Expression of Continued Interest Package
Ivy Divider

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