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What to Do if You’re Deferred from Dartmouth

If you just received disappointing news from Dartmouth, you’re not alone. Every year, thousands of Early Decision applicants receive news of their deferral to Dartmouth University’s Regular Decision round. Luckily for you, there are some steps you can take to increase your chances of admission in the Regular Decision round. 

1. Take Solace in the Data

Last year, Dartmouth accepted just 17% of Early Decision applicants and 5.3% of applicants overall (from both the Early Decision and Regular Decision applicant pools). If you did not receive an acceptance, rest assured that you are in the majority.

2. Remember: There Is More Than One Pathway to Success

We know this is not the news you were hoping for, but it’s still an accomplishment to be deferred! Moreover, there is no one school, internship, or job that is going to lead you to success. That’s the great thing about life: we’re in the driver’s seat, and there are more roads available to us with every turn.

3. Keep Your Hopes Up

About 5-10% of deferred applicants are typically admitted to Dartmouth, so though your odds of admission are low, it’s not out of the question—and there are steps you can take to increase your odds of admission!

4. Read Dartmouth’s Instructions for Deferred Applicants Carefully

Admissions invites deferred applicants to submit the following:

We welcome brief updates on recent notable academic, extracurricular, and personal accomplishments uploaded via your portal. You should also submit mid-year grades, and you are welcome to submit new test scores if you wish.

5. Sign Up for a Deferral Review with College Essay Advisors

You may be racking your brain, wondering where it all went wrong. That’s where we come in. When you sign up for a Deferral Review, the experts at College Essay Advisors will review your application essays to help you understand the ways in which your application could’ve been stronger. The bad news is that, like Cher, we can’t turn back time and help you improve your essays before hitting submit months ago. The good news is that we can help you transform your writing in time to submit stellar applications to the remaining schools on your list.

We can also help you write a deferral letter that will have admissions officers kicking themselves, wondering why they didn’t admit you the first time around. Your personal CEA Advisor will help you draft a letter that succinctly updates admissions on your recent notable academic, extracurricular, and personal accomplishments and effectively reconfirms your interest in the institution (“If you accept me, I will attend!”). This letter needs to be concise and compelling in order to give you a leg up on your competition. We have been helping applicants draft powerful letters of continued interest for 20+ years and can steer you in the right direction.

So, what are you waiting for?! Get in touch to sign up for your Dartmouth Deferral Review, and the team at College Essay Advisors will help you get back on the right track.

Ivy Divider

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