Many colleges and universities require students to submit supplemental essays along with their main personal statement. The essays they require vary greatly in length, prompt, and theme. The Babson College 2017-18 supplement stands out from the crowd, because students are given the option to choose between submitting an essay or a video! The supplement […]
It’s that time of year again! In between shopping trips to Target (the stationary sanctuary), we have compiled a list of things you should definitely be doing to be prepared for senior year! There’s nothing worse than finding yourself without a college essay as the leaves begin to fall (especially because some schools, like Georgia […]
Wondering where to find those sneaky supplemental essay questions? Are they in the writing section of the Common App or hidden away in some deep, dark corner of a school’s supplemental application? You won’t know until you go poking around — or, until you watch this handy, dandy guide we made you!
Why College Essays Matter Since many other students have similar GPAs and test scores as you (if not better, eek!), one powerful way to stand out from the crowd is to draft compelling and insightful essays. The personal statement and other supplemental essays are your chance to “be in the room” with admissions and introduce […]
It goes without saying that, as an international student, your application will be distinct from that of many of the other students applying to American colleges and universities. If you did not go to school in the States, your schooling experience, the activities you participated in, and many of the details of your life and […]
To all of the incredibly ambitious and creatively inclined students out there, the time has come. The 2017-18 U Chicago essay prompts are here. And, as always, they’re totally bizarre, challenging to the core, and, if you’re essay nerds like us, an endless supply of inspiration and entertainment. How will you make the most of […]
You’ve been scouring the internet for weeks, maybe even months, trying to get a jump start on your Yale application to ensure your essays are imbued with that Ivy League-worthy je ne sais quois. Well, look no further. The supplements ready — but are you ready for them? (We think you are!) This year’s application […]
“Hey,” I began, “you have cow eyes. I know that sounds like a bad thing but have you ever looked into a cow’s eyes? They are so deep and brown and beautiful. I’ve looked into a lot a cow eyes because I’m from Wisconsin.” This dialogue segment is from Malcolm Conner’s winning “Modern Love” College […]
“You can blame it all on Percocet.” This is the opening line of the winner of The New York Times “Modern Love” college contest. Out of 2,000 entries from college students from all across the country, there was one winner and four finalists; all of the essays were published in The New York Times. The […]
In a boss move from one of the world’s most empowering females, Beyoncé recently announced that she will be launching a program called Formation Scholars to provide scholarships for young women “who are unafraid to think outside the box and are bold, creative, conscious and confident. ” The scholarships will be awarded to one student at each […]