Unless you’ve been living under a rock the past…oh, I don’t know…seven years or so, then you’ve heard the expression “there’s an app for that.” Think of the most ridiculous thing in the world, and you can probably find it in the app store. Just feel like popping a zit? There’s an app for that. […]
As the school year starts to wind down, we can lay back, relax, and start thinking about our impending college search and application process. Nothing stressful about that, right? With senior year just around the corner, college is probably one of the only things on your mind. The summer is a great time to begin […]
“Writing, to me, is simply thinking through my fingers.” — Isaac Asimov
The Common Application went live earlier this month, so you already know the task it is going to ask of you: use 650 words to describe yourself and make the various college admissions officers fall head-over-heels, rom-com style in love with you and your delightful youness. YIKES! What’re you gonna do? What’re you gonna do?? WHAT’RE […]
Do you ever get so fed up with the real world that you just want to leave the human race? Get primal? Go back to nature? Be a goat? Or are you the Snow White type who befriends all creatures and even has them at your wedding? Or maybe your personal call of the wild can […]
A LOT of really important stuff has happened over the past few weeks. The Republican Debate came and went (hope you were all watching to stay informed, you soon-to-be-voters!), Hoverboards are now totally a real thing, World of Warcraft released an AWESOME new expansion, and most importantly and tragically: Kermit the Frog and Miss Piggy BROKE.UP! […]
There are some things in this world that really just can’t be explained. Like why BBC’s “Merlin” only got five seasons, why stores start selling summer clothing in February and then start selling fall clothing in July, or how this beluga whale got so ripped (seriously though, it’s weird…). But I’m sure the unanswered question […]
Hello, readers! Welcome back to Personal Essay Spotlight! We know that you are now confident that you have SOMETHING to write about (but if you’re still struggling, try these great brainstorming techniques!), and we know that you’ve nailed the concept of keeping sight of the big picture, so this week let’s talk about storytelling. Benjamin […]
Greetings and salutations (as my fave spider used to say)! How are you spending the remainder of your summer months? Giving your cat a trendy new Trump look? Gazing at the night sky and pondering the amazing pictures and new insights about (ex)planet Pluto? Or maybe you’d like to spend the rest of your summer […]
Alright folks, the time has come. It’s time to play the music, it’s time to light the lights, it’s time to meet the — wait a minute. This isn’t the beginning of The Muppets, it’s another CEA weekly link round-up! YAYYYYY!!! This week we’re elaborating on the do’s and don’t’s of the college process for […]