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Ivy Divider

What is the Coalition Application? Here’s Everything You Need to Know

Topic: Uncategorized  |  Posted on May 21st, 2020  |  Written by CEA HQ

Here’s everything you need to know about the Coalition Application — plus expert-approved advice to help you write your own compelling college admissions essay.  What is the Coalition Application? The Coalition for College (also known as The Coalition Application) was founded in 2015 to make college more accessible to low-income and underrepresented students.  According to […]

Breaking News: UGA Is Now On the Common App!

Topic: Uncategorized  |  Posted on May 13th, 2020  |  Written by CEA HQ

Calling all prospective Bulldogs: we’ve got good news for you. On May 7, the University of Georgia announced that they will now officially accept the Common Application!! This is fantastic news for prospective freshmen, who will likely save valuable time when applying (which means more time to watch The Great British Baking Show).  UGA announced […]

How (And Why!) You Should Start Writing Your College Essay Right Now

Topic: Uncategorized  |  Posted on May 6th, 2020  |  Written by CEA HQ

Sheltering-in-place at home, you may find yourself with a little extra free time on your hands. Instead of binging another Netflix dating show, consider using this time to start thinking about (drumroll, please…) your personal statements!  Luckily, the prompts for the Common Application and Coalition Application have both been confirmed for quite some time now […]

6 Things to Consider Before Taking a Gap Year

Topic: Uncategorized  |  Posted on May 5th, 2020  |  Written by CEA HQ

For some high school seniors, especially in these uncertain times, delaying their college education may be the best choice. Maybe you want to take advantage of this newfound free time to take a gap year and pursue one of your passions.  A gap year — which, fittingly, bridges the gap between high school and college […]

A Complete List of Colleges That Announced Plans Regarding a Fall 2020 Reopening

Topic: Uncategorized  |  Posted on April 30th, 2020  |  Written by CEA HQ

We are inching closer and closer to summer (a.k.a. ice cream sandwich season), which means the fall semester is just around the bend. But what will that look like? Last year, it would have been week-long orientation events, move-in day, tearful goodbyes with mom and dad, and exciting tours through campus (first stop: dining hall!). […]

Complete List: All Of The Colleges That Are Going Test-Optional Amid The Coronavirus Pandemic

Topic: Uncategorized  |  Posted on April 29th, 2020  |  Written by CEA HQ

Many students have spent hours (and hours!) prepping for the SATs and ACTs over the past few months, only to find out that the spring tests have been canceled and/or postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic. In response, many colleges and universities across the country are enacting test-optional policies for prospective students (YAY!).  This means […]

What to Do Now That Your Summer Program/Internship Has Been Canceled

Topic: Uncategorized  |  Posted on April 27th, 2020  |  Written by CEA HQ

Our heart breaks for high school juniors, high school seniors, and college students whose lives have all been flipped upside down with the COVID-related cancelation of in-person classes, graduation celebrations, standardized testing, and, of course, summer plans. Even if your summer program or internship was canceled (first off, we’re sending lots of virtual hugs your […]

What to Do if You Didn’t Get Into Your Dream School

Topic: Uncategorized  |  Posted on April 17th, 2020  |  Written by CEA HQ

We’re living in indisputably strange and uncertain times as pandemic life continues, and college acceptance rates continue to drop. Still, we know the following happens all the time: You get an email from your dream school alerting you that a decision has been made regarding your college application. You click the link, feverishly type in […]

11 Virtual Campus Tours You Can Take Right Now

Topic: Uncategorized  |  Posted on April 15th, 2020  |  Written by CEA HQ

In the past, Spring Break has been, well, a break. It has been a time of rest, reading and, of course, road trips, which often involve campus visits as students prepare to narrow their choices and make decisions about where to attend or apply in the fall.  We don’t have to tell you that this […]

How the Coronavirus Pandemic is Impacting College Admissions: Our Founder Weighs In

Topic: College Admissions, Essay Writing, Tips  |  Posted on April 7th, 2020  |  Written by CEA HQ

Whether you’re deciding where to attend college next fall via virtual tours, or diving into the daunting task of starting your college admissions essay,  the past few weeks have felt overwhelming and uncertain — to say the least.  As the nation grapples with the impacts of a global pandemic, there are several ways for juniors […]

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