So you want to know how to write your personal statement, huh? Well, let me tell you this: the best personal essays tell a story. And like all good stories, they have (drumroll, please) a beginning, a middle, and an end. As you pull the notes from your brainstorm into your outline, think about the […]
We have always been skeptics when it comes to activities that require you to talk to yourself — or that prevent you from talking to anyone else. But science actually backs up the power of some of the following exercises. Though they may seem a little woo-woo at first, the truth is, when you’re desperate […]
A long time ago (back when applicants had to – GASP! – hand-write their applications) in a land far, far away (upstate New York), some fine academic institutions decided to take pity on the cramping hands of college applicants by creating a standardized form to help students streamline the application process. This great work of […]
Are you staring at your screen wondering why you didn’t get your act together quicker and apply for college when all of your friends were? Are you wondering why you let your classes and clubs and bae get in the way of your future? You’re not alone, and more importantly, it’s not too late. Although […]
Writer’s block is a disease that affects many people. There are many symptoms and preventative measures to take, but today we’re here to talk about the most common causes of writer’s block. The torment afflicts many, so it’s important to know that you’re not alone. There are a multitude of reasons you might be […]
You’ve written your Common App personal statement, finished your supplemental essays, acquired recommendations from your favorite teachers, created a fantastic activity resume, sent out your applications, crossed your fingers (and toes!), and now all you have left to do is wait for the results. And waiting is the wooorst! Especially since acceptance rates are lower than […]
Once upon a time, a selection of schools around the land came together to create an easier way for students to apply to a wide number of academic institutions. This first attempt at college application standardization, as you might have guessed, was called the Common Application. This platform remained unchallenged in the world of admissions […]
We all need a little TLC sometimes, even our essays. If you’re anything like me, after you stare at your essay for too long, it all but turns into hieroglyphics. It is no longer beautifully crafted sentences diving into overarching themes and humorous anecdotes. It is words on a page and you’re sick and tired […]
Your parents have raised you since you were a wee pup, but do they know every single thing there is to know about you? (Of course you do, mom and dad — we’re just kidding.) Still, so much of your adolescence has been spent in the presence of your peers, that it would be negligent […]
It is not often discussed, but the Common Application offers students the opportunity to complete another essay in addition to the personal statement: the Additional Info Essay. If you are wondering whether you should be writing and submitting an Additional Info Essay, you’ve come to the right place. Read on to find out what the […]