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Back to School with College Essay Advisors

Ivy Divider


First, the bad news. The school year is almost upon us. Summer reading is almost due, homework is on the horizon, and the amount of time you spend floating in swimming pools and eating hamburgers on the beach is about to decrease significantly.

The good news? Back to school shopping is here! Fall TV Previews are about to begin! And, most importantly, you still have two weeks to get a head start on your college admissions essays!

We have been saying it for months, but summer time really is college essay time, especially for those students who are entering a school year of demanding classes, extracurricular assignments, and after school obligations. Deadline pressure is a writer’s worst enemy, and half the battle in writing an effective college application essay is giving yourself the time and space to tap into your natural creativity. What better way to avoid the college essay pressure than to get an early start?

We can relate to the procrastinators out there – it is definitely more fun to watch thirteen episodes of Orange Is The New Black, back-to-back over the course of three days (not that we’ve done this), than it is to brainstorm a 650-word essay on an “environment in which you are perfectly content.” Still, trust us – the earlier you start tackling these essays, the happier and more successful you will be in the coming school year. Every environment is a more comfortable environment when your college essays are in the bag.

A few select pre-September appointments remain, so contact us now to book your advising session. This is one assignment you can put to rest, even before the first bell rings.

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