Here it comes—the behemoth that lurks in the dark, prompting you to look over your shoulder, a cold sweat dripping down your neck. Your breath quickens as you pick up your pace—but no matter how fast you go, it’s still just behind you. It’s the one admissions essay to rule them all: the dreaded Common […]
No matter who you are or what kind of life you have led up until this point, there is an engaging Common App essay topic already inside of you. In fact, there are numerous amazing topics hiding in that noggin of yours; your challenge is to knock those gems loose so we can look them […]
Yes, you read that right! For the first time in four years, the Common Application is introducing a brand new prompt for college applicants to consider as they begin penning their personal statements. The 2021-22 Common App Essay Prompts are: Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they believe […]
Sound the alarms!! The Common Application is live for the 2018-19 college admissions season! The time for procrastination is over. (We know, it hurts.) It’s time to get your affairs in order and begin your college applications — if you haven’t already. We have compiled some FAQs as related to the new Common App and […]
Yes, you read that right! The Common Application has announced the essay prompts for the 2018-19 college admissions season just over six months before students will actually be able to start applying to colleges in early August. And the prompts are (drumroll, please)…exactly the same as last year’s! This is awesome news for students who […]
A long time ago (back when applicants had to – GASP! – hand-write their applications) in a land far, far away (upstate New York), some fine academic institutions decided to take pity on the cramping hands of college applicants by creating a standardized form to help students streamline the application process. This great work of […]
Yes, you read that correctly! For months we’ve been eagerly awaiting the release of the shiny, updated Common Application for the 2017-18 application season and it’s finally here! So, now what?! First, things first. Make an account (if you haven’t already). Hop on the new platform and familiarize yourself! There are a bunch of new […]
Class of 2022 – it’s about that time. The first milestone in your college application journey has officially arrived. Today the Common Application released their 2017-18 essay prompts. This reveal comes with a heaping helping of good news, most of which relates to the fact that the prompts have not changed all that much from last […]
How did it come to this? It’s the last week and you still have essays left to write. It happens every year and you are not alone. Bolt the doors. Throw your phone into the ocean. You are on college essay lock down. You still have time to walk yourself through the basic paces of […]
The Oddball Essay is a supplemental essay type that mines for information about not only who you are, but also how you think. Colleges are interested in the way your mind works so they can determine if you’d be a good fit for their campus community. Are you easily led down a rabbit hole of […]