While college applicants, parents and nerdy college essay advisors (ahem) often follow the release of the season’s new college admissions essay questions with a frothy fervor, it takes a lot to turn the mainstream media’s head in the direction of an often uniform and predictable process. Still, Tufts University, longtime purveyor of the quirky prompt, […]
Rifling through your memory to identify important events and enertaining anecdotes from the past seventeen years of your life can be a daunting task. Where do you begin? How could you possibly be expected to remember everything that ever happened to you? It is often much harder to try and conjure these memories out of […]
As many parents and students are already aware, this year will mark some dramatic changes in the Common Application essay’s content and format. The admissions and college prep communities are abuzz with analysis of the new essay standards, and CEA’s advisors have been following the changes every step of the way. Below we created a […]
Have you ever kept a journal or a diary? It might be time to pick up those collections of private thoughts, wince through your pre-teen love poems, and give it a good read. So much happens to us throughout our adolescence, it is easy to forget the small events that impacted our goals, motivations and […]
The New York Times’ Learning Network recently published an exercise asking teachers to lead their high school students through exploration of and practice for the new common application essay prompts. In addition to encouraging directed free writes, the activity encourages the use of columns from The Times as models for content, and The Choice Blog […]
Welcome to College Essay Advisors, otherwise known as CEA. Our college essay experts have been working with students for over a decade to help them personalize, polish and perfect the personal statement. We know the college admissions essay is a crucial tool in boosting admissions rates for students of all abilities and have worked with […]