Here it comes—the behemoth that lurks in the dark, prompting you to look over your shoulder, a cold sweat dripping down your neck. Your breath quickens as you pick up your pace—but no matter how fast you go, it’s still just behind you. It’s the one admissions essay to rule them all: the dreaded Common […]
It’s basically impossible to start the college admissions process gradually. Practically from the moment you fill in the final SAT bubble, someone is asking you for something. Your guidance counselor wants a list of schools by Friday! Your dream school wants you to schedule a visit ASAP! Your favorite teacher is waiting for you to […]
We’ve updated our handy dandy supplemental essay guide with prompt breakdowns for MIT, Princeton University, and USC. But before you familiarize yourself with our prompt breakdowns, you should get a little more acquainted with the schools you’re considering dedicating your life to for the next four years! After all, four years is equivalent to 20% of […]
It goes without saying that, as an international student, your application will be distinct from that of many of the other students applying to American colleges and universities. If you did not go to school in the States, your schooling experience, the activities you participated in, and many of the details of your life and […]
High school juniors…it’s your turn up at bat. 2017 will be the year you reach an extremely important milestone – applying to college, which of course means writing your college essay. AHHH! PANIC! Wait, no, don’t. Because if you’re reading this post, then you’re already WAY ahead! We here at CEA say that the most […]
Students, we hear the sniffle in your voices. We see the feverish looks on your faces. It’s the final month before the regular decision deadline, and you’re thinking your college admissions essay might not be in the healthiest shape. The topic has been complaining of blurry vision, something about your introduction is making you itchy, […]
Procrastinators, you know who you are. You’re the ones who waited until December to start your college essays and spent 15 minutes frantically scouring the internet before you landed on this post. You have a month (maybe less) before the deadlines start to hit and you don’t know where to start. First, just take a […]
Right now you’re probably asking yourself: What could the Olympics and my Common Application essay possibly have to do with each other? Well, it’s actually pretty simple. Our founder, Stacey Brook, explores how Olympic athletes can serve as inspiration to students in this Huffington Post article. Read the Huffington Post article now! Check out our guide to this year’s […]
The 2016-17 Common Application is finally out! What changed and what stayed the same? How can you make the most of this college admissions tool? Our application essay experts have the answers and are here to help!
Summertime has officially arrived. The “strawberry moon” solstice has passed and there’s some good energy in the air (if you believe in that sort of thing!). Two major soccer championships are underway and the Summer Olympics are right around the corner. Big things are happening, guys! As any good stargazer or athlete knows, timing is […]