Here it comes—the behemoth that lurks in the dark, prompting you to look over your shoulder, a cold sweat dripping down your neck. Your breath quickens as you pick up your pace—but no matter how fast you go, it’s still just behind you. It’s the one admissions essay to rule them all: the dreaded Common […]
So, you are settling into your comfy desk chair and cracking your knuckles, ready to start writing. You take a drink of water, open Microsoft Word and stare at the blinking cursor. You suddenly realize: you have no idea what you’re supposed to be accomplishing with this essay. Don’t worry, we are here to save […]
Let’s do a quick pulse check. Is your heart racing? Is your head spinning? Are you already drowning in an ocean of your own sweat? DON’T WORRY. We swear. It’s really not that bad. You just haven’t gotten organized yet! We’re here to introduce you to your friend, OVERLAP. Even outside of the Why Essay, […]