Reserve your spot on our 2025-26 roster while you still can!

CEA’s 2023-24 List of Test-Optional Colleges and Universities

Ivy Divider

Hello college applicants! We thought it might be helpful to put together a list of test-optional colleges and universities for you, so you can make an informed decision when it comes time to submit.


This list is by no means exhaustive, but it is robust. As always, we’re wishing you good luck!


CEA’s 2023-24 List of Test-Optional Colleges and Universities:

SchoolTest-Optional Status
Adelphi UniversityTest-Optional for 2023-24
Agnes Scott CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Albertus Magnus CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Albion CollegeTest-Optional for 2023-24
Alfred UniversityTest-Optional for 2023-24
Allegheny CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
American UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Amherst CollegeTest-Optional for 2023-24
Andrews UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Appalachian State UniversityTest-Optional for 2023-24, 2024-25
Arcadia UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Arizona State UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Assumption CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Augustana CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Austin CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Azusa Pacific UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Babson CollegeTest-Optional for 2023-24
Ball State UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Bard CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Barnard CollegeTest-Optional for 2023-24
Bates CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Baylor UniversityTest-Optional for 2023-24
Becker CollegeTest-Flexible until further notice
Bellarmine UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Belmont UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Beloit CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Bennington CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Bentley UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Berea CollegeTest-Optional for 2023-24
Berklee College of MusicTest-Optional until further notice
Berry CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Bethel UniversityTest-Flexible until further notice
Binghamton University-SUNYTest-Optional for 2023-24
Birmingham-Southern CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Bloomsburg University of PennsylvaniaTest-Optional until further notice
Boston CollegeTest-Optional for 2023-24
Boston UniversityTest-Optional for 2023-24
Bowdoin CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Bowling Green State UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Bradley UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Brandeis UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Bridgewater State UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Brigham Young University-ProvoTest-Optional until further notice
Brown UniversityTest-Optional for 2023-24
Bryant UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Bryn Mawr CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Bucknell UniversityTest-Optional for 2023-24
Butler UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
California College of the ArtsTest-Optional until further notice
California Institute of TechnologyTest-Blind for 2023-24, 2024-25
California Institute of the ArtsTest-Optional until further notice
California Lutheran UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
California Polytechnic Institute-San Luis ObispoTest-Blind until further notice
California State University systemTest-Blind until further notice
Canisius CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Carleton CollegeTest-Optional for 2023-24
Carnegie Mellon UniversityTest-Optional for 2023-24
Case Western Reserve UniversityTest-Optional for 2023-24
The Catholic University of AmericaTest-Blind until further notice
Cazenovia CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Central Michigan UniversityTest-Optional for 2023-24
Centre CollegeTest-Optional for 2023-24
Champlain CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Chapman UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Chatham UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Claremont McKenna CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Clark UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Clarke UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Clarkson UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Clemson UniversityTest-Optional for 2023-24
Coastal Carolina UniversityTest-Flexible until further notice
Coe CollegeTest-Flexible until further notice
Colby CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Colby-Sawyer CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Colgate UniversityTest-Optional for 2023-24
College of CharlestonTest-Optional for 2023-24
College of New JerseyTest-Optional for 2023-24
College of Saint RoseTest-Optional until further notice
College of St. BenedictTest-Optional until further notice
College of the AtlanticTest-Optional until further notice
College of the Holy CrossTest-Optional until further notice
College of WoosterTest-Optional until further notice
Colorado CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Colorado School of MinesTest-Optional until further notice
Colorado State UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Columbia College ChicagoTest-Optional until further notice
Columbia UniversityTest-Optional for 2023-24
Concordia College-MoorheadTest-Optional until further notice
Concordia College-New YorkTest-Optional until further notice
Connecticut CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and ArtTest-Optional for 2023-24
Cornell CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Cornell UniversityTest-Optional for 2023-24
Creighton UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
CUNY systemTest-Optional through Spring 2025
Curry CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Dartmouth CollegeTest-Optional for 2023-24
Davidson CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Dean CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Delaware Valley UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Denison UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
DePaul UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
DePauw UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
DeSales UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Dickinson CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Drake UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Drew UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Drexel UniversityTest-Optional for 2023-24
Drury UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Duke UniversityTBA for 2023-24
Duquesne UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Earlham CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Eastern Connecticut State UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Eastern UniversityTest-Blind until further notice
Eckerd CollegeTest-Optional for 2023-24
Elizabethtown CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Elmira CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Elms CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Elon UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Emerson CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Emmanuel CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Emory and Henry CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Emory UniversityTest-Optional for 2023-24
Endicott CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Evergreen State CollegeTest-Flexible until further notice*
Fairfield UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Fairleigh Dickinson UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Farmingdale State College-SUNYTest-Optional until further notice
Fashion Institute of TechnologyTest-Optional until further notice
Fisher CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Flagler CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Fordham UniversityTest-Optional for 2023-24
Fort Lewis CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Framingham State UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Franklin and Marshall CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Franklin W. Olin College of EngineeringTest-Optional until further notice
Furman UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Gannon UniversityTest-Optional for 2023-24
George Mason UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
George Washington UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Gettysburg CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Gonzaga UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Gordon CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Goucher CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Grinnell CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Grove City CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Guilford CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Gustavus Adolphus CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Hamilton CollegeTest-Optional for 2023-24
Hampden-Sydney CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Hampshire CollegeTest-Blind until further notice
Hanover CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Hartwick CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Harvard UniversityTest-Optional for 2023-24, 2024-25, 2025-26
Harvey Mudd CollegeTest-Optional for 2023-24
Haverford CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Hendrix CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
High Point UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Hilbert CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Hillsdale CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Hobart and William Smith CollegesTest-Optional until further notice
Hofstra UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Hollins UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Hood CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Hope CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Houghton CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Illinois State UniversityTest-Optional for 2023-24
Immaculata UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Indiana State UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Indiana TechTest-Optional until further notice
Indiana University-BloomingtonTest-Optional until further notice
Indiana University of PennsylvaniaTest-Optional until further notice
Indiana University-Purdue University-IndianapolisTest-Optional until further notice
Iona CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Iowa State UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Ithaca CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
James Madison UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Johns Hopkins UniversityTest-Optional for 2023-24, 2024-25, 2025-26
Johnson & Wales UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Juniata CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Kalamazoo CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Kansas State UniversityTest-Flexible until further notice*
Keene State CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Kent State UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Kenyon CollegeTest-Optional for 2023-24
Keystone CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
King’s CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Knox CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
La Roche UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
La Salle UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Lafayette CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Lake Forest CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Lamar UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Lander UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Lasell CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Lawrence Technological UniversityTest-Optional for 2023-24
Lawrence UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Le Moyne CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Lebanon Valley CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Lehigh UniversityTest-Optional for 2023-24
Lesley UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Lewis and Clark CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Linfield CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Lipscomb UniversityTBA for 2023-24
Loras CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Loyola Marymount UniversityTest-Optional for 2023-24
Loyola University ChicagoTest-Optional until further notice
Loyola University MarylandTest-Optional until further notice
Loyola University New OrleansTest-Blind until further notice
Luther CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Lycoming CollegeTest-Flexible until further notice*
Lynn UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Macalester CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Manhattan CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Manhattanville CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Marist CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Marlboro CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Marquette UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Maryland Institute College of ArtTest-Optional until further notice
Maryville University of St. LouisTest-Optional until further notice
Marywood UniversityTest-Optional for 2023-24
Massachusetts College of Art and DesignTest-Optional until further notice
Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyTest-Optional until further notice
Massachusetts Maritime AcademyTBA for 2023-24
McDaniel CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
McGill UniversityTest-Optional extended for 2023-24 applicants
MCPHS UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Mercer UniversityTest-Optional for 2023-24
Mercyhurst UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Meredith CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Merrimack CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Messiah CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Miami University-OxfordTest-Optional for 2023-24
Michigan State UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Michigan Technological UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Middlebury CollegeTBA for 2023-24
Millersville University of PennsylvaniaTest-Optional for 2023-24, 2024-25
Mills CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Millsaps CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Minnesota State University-MankatoTest-Optional until further notice
Minnesota State University-MoorheadTest-Optional until further notice
Misericordia UniversityTest-Optional for 2023-24, 2024-25
Missouri University of Science and TechnologyTest-Optional for 2023-24
Mitchell CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Monmouth UniversityTest-Optional for 2023-24
Monroe CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Montana State UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Montclair State UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Moravian CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Mount Aloysius CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Mount Holyoke CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Mount St. Mary’s UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Muhlenberg CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Nazareth CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
New England CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
New England Institute of TechnologyTest-Optional until further notice
New Jersey Institute of TechnologyTest-Optional for 2023-24
The New SchoolTest-Optional until further notice
New York Institute of TechnologyTest-Optional until further notice
New York UniversityTest-Optional for 2023-24
Niagara UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Nichols CollegeTest-Flexible until further notice*
North Carolina State University-RaleighTest-Optional for 2023-24, 2024-25
North Dakota State UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Northeastern UniversityTest-Optional for 2023-24, 2024-25, 2025-26
Northern Illinois UniversityTest-Blind until further notice
Northern Michigan UniversityTest-Blind until further notice
Northwestern UniversityTest-Optional for 2023-24
Norwich UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Notre Dame of Maryland UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Oberlin CollegeTBA for 2023-24
Occidental CollegeTest-Optional for 2023-24
Ohio State University-ColumbusTest-Optional for 2023-24
Ohio UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Ohio Wesleyan UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Old Dominion UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Oregon State UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Otis College of Art and DesignTest-Optional until further notice
Pace UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Pacific UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Paul Smith’s CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Pennsylvania College of TechnologyTest-Optional until further notice
Pennsylvania State UniversityTest-Optional for 2023-24
Pepperdine UniversityTest-Optional for 2023-24
Pitzer CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Pomona CollegeTest-Optional for 2023-24, 2024-25
Post UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Presbyterian CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Princeton UniversityTest-Optional for 2023-24, 2024-25
Providence CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Purchase College-SUNYTest-Optional until further notice
Purdue University-West LafayetteTest-Flexible for 2023-24
Queen’s University (Canada)Test-Optional until further notice
Queens University of CharlotteTest-Optional until further notice
Quinnipiac UniversityTest-Flexible until further notice*
Ramapo College of New JerseyTest-Optional until further notice
Reed CollegeTest-Blind for 2023-24, 2024-25
Regis UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Rensselaer Polytechnic InstituteTest-Optional for 2023-24
Rhode Island School of DesignTest-Optional until further notice
Rhodes CollegeTest-Optional for 2023-24
Rice UniversityTest-Optional for 2023-24
Rider UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Ripon CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Roanoke CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Roberts Wesleyan CollegeTest-Flexible until further notice*
Rochester Institute of TechnologyTest-Optional until further notice
Roger Williams UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Rollins CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Rose-Hulman Institute of TechnologyTest-Optional for 2023-24
Rowan UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Russell Sage CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Rutgers University (all campuses)Test-Optional for 2023-24, 2024-25
Sacred Heart UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Saint Anselm CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Saint Joseph’s UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Saint Louis UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Saint Mary’s CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Saint Michael’s CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Saint Vincent CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Salem CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Salisbury UniversityTest-Flexible until further notice
Salve Regina UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Samford UniversityTBA for 2023-24
Santa Clara UniversityTest-Optional for 2023-24
Sarah Lawrence CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Savannah College of Art and DesignTest-Optional for 2023-24
School of the Art Institute of ChicagoTest-Optional until further notice
School of Visual ArtsTest-Optional until further notice
Scripps CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Seattle Pacific UniversityTBA for 2023-24
Seattle UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Seton Hall UniversityTest-Optional for 2023-24, 2024-25, 2025-26, 2026-27
Seton Hill UniversityTest-Flexible until further notice*
Shenandoah UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Siena CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Skidmore CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Slippery Rock University of PennsylvaniaTest-Optional until further notice
Smith CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Soka University of AmericaTest-Optional until further notice
Southern Connecticut State UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Southern Illinois University-CarbondaleTest-Flexible until further notice*
Southern Methodist UniversityTest-Optional for 2023-24
Southern New Hampshire UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Southwestern UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Spelman CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Springfield CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
St. Bonaventure UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
St. Edward’s UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
St. Francis CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
St. John Fisher CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
St. John’s CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
St. John’s University (MN)Test-Optional until further notice
St. John’s University (NY)Test-Optional until further notice
St. Joseph’s College (ME)Test-Optional until further notice
St. Joseph’s College-BrooklynTest-Optional for 2023-24
St. Lawrence UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
St. Mary’s College of CaliforniaTest-Optional until further notice
St. Mary’s College of MarylandTest-Optional until further notice
St. Norbert CollegeTest-Optional for 2023-24
St. Olaf CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Stanford UniversityTest-Optional for 2023-24, 2024-25
Stetson UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Stevens Institute of TechnologyTest-Optional for most programs*
Stockton UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Stony Brook University-SUNYTest-Optional for 2023-24
Suffolk UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
SUNY BrockportTest-Optional until further notice
SUNY CobleskillTest-Optional for 2023-24
SUNY College-CortlandTest-Optional until further notice
SUNY College of Environmental Science and ForestryTest-Optional for 2023-24
SUNY College of Technology at AlfredTest-Optional for 2023-24
SUNY College of Technology-DelhiTest-Optional until further notice
SUNY College-OneontaTest-Optional for 2023-24
SUNY College-PotsdamTest-Optional until further notice
SUNY-FredoniaTest-Optional for 2023-24
SUNY-GeneseoTest-Optional until further notice
SUNY Maritime CollegeTest-Optional for 2023-24
SUNY-MorrisvilleTest-Optional until further notice
SUNY-New PaltzTest-Optional for 2023-24
SUNY-OswegoTest-Optional for 2023-24
SUNY-PlattsburghTest-Optional until further notice
SUNY Polytechnic Institute-Albany/UticaTest-Optional for 2023-24
Susquehanna UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Swarthmore CollegeTest-Optional for 2023-24, 2024-25
Sweet Briar CollegeTest-Flexible until further notice*
Syracuse UniversityTest-Optional for 2023-24, 2024-25
Temple UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Texas A&M University-College StationTest-Optional for 2023-24
Texas Christian UniversityTest-Optional for 2023-24, 2024-25
Texas Tech UniversityTest-Optional for 2023-24, 2024-25, 2025-26
Thomas CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Thomas Jefferson UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Towson UniversityTest-Optional for 2023-24
Transylvania UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Trinity CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Trinity UniversityTest-Optional for 2023-24
Tufts UniversityTest-Optional for 2023-24
Tulane UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Union College (KY)Test-Optional until further notice
Union College (NY)Test-Optional until further notice
Unity CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
University at Albany-SUNYTest-Optional for 2023-24
University at Buffalo-SUNYTest-Optional for 2023-24
University of AlabamaTest-Optional for 2023-24, 2024-25
University of ArizonaTest-Optional until further notice
University of ArkansasTest-Optional for students with a 3.2 GPA or higher
University of ChicagoTest-Optional until further notice
University of CincinnatiTest-Optional for 2023-24, 2024-25
University of Colorado-BoulderTest-Optional until further notice
University of Colorado-DenverTest-Optional until further notice
University of ConnecticutTest-Optional for 2023-24
University of DaytonTest-Optional until further notice
University of DelawareTest-Optional until further notice
University of DenverTest-Optional until further notice
University of Detroit MercyTest-Optional for 2023-24
University of DubuqueTest-Optional until further notice
University of HartfordTest-Optional until further notice
University of IdahoTest-Flexible for 2023-24
University of Illinois-ChicagoTest-Optional for 2023-24
University of Illinois-Urbana-ChampaignTest-Optional for 2023-24
University of KansasTest-Flexible until further notice
University of KentuckyTest-Optional for 2023-24, 2024-25
University of La VerneTest-Optional until further notice
University of LouisvilleTBA for 2023-24
University of LynchburgTest-Optional until further notice
University of MaineTest-Optional until further notice
University of Maine-AugustaTest-Optional until further notice
University of Maine-FarmingtonTest-Optional until further notice
University of Maine-Fort KentTest-Optional until further notice
University of Maine-Presque IsleTest-Optional until further notice
University of Mary WashingtonTest-Optional until further notice
University of Maryland-College ParkTest-Optional for 2023-24
University of Massachusetts-AmherstTest-Optional for 2023-24
University of Massachusetts-BostonTest-Optional until further notice
University of Massachusetts-DartmouthTest-Optional until further notice
University of Massachusetts-LowellTest-Optional until further notice
University of MiamiTest-Optional for 2023-24
University of Michigan-Ann ArborTest-Optional until further notice
University of Minnesota-DuluthTest-Optional for 2023-24, 2024-25, 2025-26
University of Minnesota-Twin CitiesTest-Optional for 2023-24, 2024-25, 2025-26
University of Missouri systemTest-Optional for 2023-24, 2024-25, 2025-26
University of Missouri-Kansas CityTest-Flexible until further notice*
University of MontanaTest-Optional until further notice
University of Nebraska-LincolnTest-Flexible until further notice*
University of Nevada-RenoTest-Flexible until further notice*
University of New EnglandTest-Blind until further notice
University of New HampshireTest-Optional until further notice
University of New HavenTest-Optional until further notice
University of New MexicoTest-Optional until further notice
University of North Carolina systemTest-Optional for 2023-24
University of North DakotaTest-Optional until further notice
University of Notre DameTest-Optional for 2023-24
University of OklahomaTest-Optional until further notice
University of OregonTest-Optional until further notice
University of PennsylvaniaTest-Optional for 2023-24
University of PittsburghTest-Optional for 2023-24
University of PortlandTest-Optional for 2023-24
University of Puget SoundTest-Optional until further notice
University of RedlandsTest-Optional until further notice
University of Rhode IslandTest-Optional for 2023-24
University of RichmondTest-Optional for 2023-24
University of RochesterTest-Optional until further notice
University of San DiegoTest-Optional until further notice
University of San FranciscoTest-Optional until further notice
University of ScrantonTest-Flexible until further notice*
University of South CarolinaTest-Optional for 2023-24
University of Southern CaliforniaTest-Optional for 2023-24
University of St. JosephTest-Optional until further notice
University of St. ThomasTest-Optional until further notice
University of TampaTest-Optional until further notice
University of TennesseeTest-Optional for 2023-24
University of Texas-ArlingtonTest-Optional for 2023-24
University of Texas-AustinTest-Optional for 2023-24
University of Texas-DallasTest-Optional until further notice
University of the PacificTest-Optional until further notice
The University of the SouthTest-Optional until further notice
University of TorontoTest-Optional for 2023-24
University of TulsaTest-Optional for 2023-24
University of UtahTest-Optional for 2023-24
University of VermontTest-Optional for 2023-24
University of VirginiaTest-Optional for 2024-25
University of WashingtonTest-Blind until further notice*
University of WaterlooTest-Optional until further notice
University of Wisconsin-MadisonTest-Optional for 2023-24, 2024-25
Ursinus CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Valparaiso UniversityTest-Optional for 2023-24, 2024-25
Vanderbilt UniversityTest-Optional for 2023-24, 2024-25
Vassar CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Vermont Technical CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Villanova UniversityTest-Optional for 2023-24
Virginia Commonwealth UniversityTest-Flexible until further notice*
Virginia TechTest-Optional for 2023-24, 2024-25, 2025-26
Wagner CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Wake Forest UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Warren Wilson CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Washington and Jefferson CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Washington and Lee UniversityTest-Optional for 2023-24
Washington CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Washington State UniversityTest-Blind until further notice
Washington University in St. LouisTest-Optional for 2023-24, 2024-25
Wellesley CollegeTest-Optional for 2023-24, 2024-25
Wells CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Wentworth Institute of TechnologyTest-Optional until further notice
Wesleyan UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
West Chester University of PennsylvaniaTest-Optional until further notice
West Virginia UniversityTest-Optional for 2023-24
Western Connecticut State UniversityTest-Flexible until further notice*
Western Michigan UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Western New England UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Westfield State UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Westminster College (PA)Test-Optional until further notice
Westminster College (UT)Test-Optional until further notice
Wheaton College (IL)Test-Optional for 2023-24
Wheaton College (MA)Test-Optional until further notice
Whitman CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Whittier CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Widener UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Willamette UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
William and MaryTest-Optional until further notice
Williams CollegeTest-Optional for 2023-24
Wofford CollegeTest-Optional until further notice
Worcester Polytechnic InstituteTest-Blind until further notice
Worcester State UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Xavier UniversityTest-Optional until further notice
Yale UniversityTest-Optional for 2023-24
Yeshiva UniversityTest-Optional for regular admission*

*These schools are test-optional for applicants who meet a minimum GPA or other academic performance indicator. Specific programs and/or majors might recommend or require test scores.

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