Looking for help with the 2025-26 Common Application Essay? Below CEA’s Founder, Stacey Brook, breaks down all you need to know about this year’s prompts.
Stacey Brook, Founder and Chief Advisor
Hello, students and parents of the future class of 2030! The time has come. The Common App essay prompts for 2025-26 have been released and—spoiler alert—they’re exactly the same as last year’s! 2025-26 college applicants, like those who came before them, will have seven (that’s right, seven) essay prompts to choose from. This wide range of questions, meant to inspire candidates in their search for compelling personal stories, is ideal for exploring essay topics of all tones, styles, and subjects. Students’ personal stories and feats of insight will again be relegated to 650 words, which equates to a little more than a single-spaced page. We happen to believe this is the perfect amount of space in which to make a quick and powerful impression with admissions (or write a comprehensive fan letter to Beyoncé), so as far as we’re concerned, you’re golden.
Because we are committed to getting you the most timely and comprehensive essay advice on the interweb, we have made a guide to help you navigate the ins and outs of all seven prompts.
Before you dive (or cannonball!) into our pool of essay advice, we’d like to leave you with one last little secret: the prompts are not actually as important as you think they are. In fact, in our instructional YouTube videos and one-on-one advising, we encourage applicants to root around for their most meaningful stories first and consider the prompts later. This is a process we call the Backwards Brainstorm, and you can learn more about it here. For now, the main point we want you to take away is this: The prompts don’t really matter. What matters is the story you want to tell. (And that you floss at least every other day—trust us, it will pay off in the long run.) We are as sure as ever that every single one of you has a valuable story (or two or twelve!) to communicate to admissions. All it takes is ample time for reflection and a little writerly elbow grease to find it. So take a peek at what the 2025-26 application has in store for you, absorb what these prompts are really asking, and then forget about them (really!) as you explore the endless possibilities.
The Common App’s Prompt #1 is the Old Faithful of essay questions. It’s been around for years and offers all the flexibility an applicant could ask for from a prompt, with just enough direction to get those creative fountains flowing. Focus on the key words, “background,” “identity,” “interest,” and “talent,” and use them as launch points for your brainstorming. What about your history, personality, hobbies, or accomplishments might be worth highlighting for an admissions officer? It can be something as small as seeing an episode of a television show (are you living life in the Upside Down?) or as large as the struggle of moving to a foreign country (especially if you had to leave behind grandma’s cooking). The most important thing to consider for this prompt is that your subject and/or perspective is dynamic and specific to you and who you are and no one else.
Some questions to ask yourself as you brainstorm:
And some examples to consider:
Overall, this prompt is what we at College Essay Advisors call a “choose-your-own-adventure” prompt. It has historically served as a fabulous catch-all for subjects that don’t fit within the confines of the other prompt options. A recent addition to the Common App’s prompt selection now offers even more freedom to applicants (more on that later), but students should still think of Prompt #1 as a topic of immense choice, reeled in by a few helpful guidelines.
We have always believed that essays about overcoming obstacles are most effective when they focus more on solutions than problems. Accordingly, Prompt #2 essays should be predominantly filled with a student’s response, outlook, and demeanor when presented with one of life’s many hurdles, rather than a detailed account of the hurdle itself. Applicants should aim to showcase qualities like resilience, determination, and humility. The obstacles you choose to explore can vary widely in nature, especially with the recent additions that allow students to explore challenges and setbacks in addition to failures. They can be as serious as being tormented by bullies, as ingrained as the financial issues that have plagued your family for years, or as seemingly pedestrian as a mistake that costs you a tip while waiting tables. While the possibilities are almost endless, students should be careful not to choose challenges that may seem trite (the inability to achieve an A on an exam and/or secure tickets to that BTS concert) or that illustrate a lapse in good judgment (that time you crashed your car or ate 15 bags of Cheetos in one sitting). Still, if you can isolate an incident of trial in your life and illustrate how you learned from it, this can be a rewarding prompt to explore.
Some key questions to consider:
And a few examples to think about:
Overall, try to keep these stories as positive as possible. Remember, these essays are not contemplative musings on your toughest times or reflections on the hiccups that populate everyday life (though these things can certainly be touched upon); they are about overcoming obstacles and refusing to submit to life’s greatest challenges.
This remains one of the most challenging prompts of the Common App’s selection, even though it has become slightly friendlier with the addition of the option to discuss a time you questioned an idea instead of challenged one. This prompt requires a student to speak passionately about beliefs and ideology, which are often onerous subjects that can be difficult to mold into compact stories. It can be one of the hardest questions to steer in a positive, productive direction without traveling into preachy, overly didactic territory. This is also a more precarious prompt than most in that students need to carefully assess the risks of espousing beliefs that might be polarizing for the readers of their applications.
That said, a response to this prompt can be incisive and deeply personal, as it was for a student who stood up to her parents’ old-fashioned outlook on feminism. Applicants who can articulate their thoughts and feelings while showcasing malleability and willingness to thoughtfully consider the ideas of others will likely stand out as valuable additions to any campus. If this prompt jumps out at you because you have a very specific story to tell or opinion to voice, run with it!
Consider these questions as you brainstorm:
And here are a few examples for you to ponder:
Your essay does not have to be focused around a fundamentally serious or groundbreaking issue (see the horror genre example above). What matters most when responding to this prompt is that you have strong convictions about the belief or idea you are trying to convey, and that you examine the personal effects of this ethos on your life and world. For this reason, Prompt #3 can be a great vehicle for showcasing your consideration, persuasive skills, and passions to admissions.
We love Prompt #4, which asks students to talk about a time when they felt gratitude. So many of the Common App prompts set students up to talk about what they do for others. Just as important, however, is how applicants react and respond when they are the recipients of something meaningful themselves. Gratitude is quickly becoming a quality individuals are encouraged to connect to and reflect on regularly, hence the popularity of gratitude journals and exercises. (Brainstorming method alert!) This question is meant to offer students the opportunity to reflect on the role gratitude plays in their lives, as well as how the practice of giving thanks and acknowledging life’s gifts motivates and inspires them.
Students should think about times when they have felt acknowledged, heard, and seen. Moments when they have felt that swelling in their chest, as their heart grows three sizes. Think creatively about what you appreciate in your life. It can be a physical gift, an action, or even just a set of feelings projected in your direction. You can be intimately familiar with the person who has inspired your gratitude, or reflect on the actions of a near stranger or even a public figure who has impacted your life for the better. Just remember that this essay needs to focus on how you process, appreciate and draw inspiration from the action of others, so make sure your response is focused on YOU. Ultimately, admissions wants to know more about how you relate to others in the world, and how you repurpose good intentions.
Some questions to ponder:
And examples to use as food for thought:
It’s important that the story you choose to tell is linked to your life and world in a meaningful way. The whole purpose of this exercise is to reveal something valuable about yourself to admissions, so be sure to link the act of kindness you highlight to your passions, actions, or aspirations. And don’t forget to detail how this gift affected you then and still motivates you now. Once you’ve settled into your prompt of choice, following instructions to the fullest and answering all parts of each question are critical.
Week 1 | Familiarize students with the prompts and begin brainstorming |
Week 2 | Work on freewriting to get all of their ideas down on paper |
Week 3 | Flesh out their ideas and begin massaging them into a cohesive narrative |
Week 4 | Sculpt their story and edit for intrigue, clarity, and accuracy |
Week 5 | Submit their essay for a final copyedit |
Week 6 | Students submit their applications |
There are a few things to note when unpacking this prompt. Keep in mind that the words “accomplishment” and “event” leave themselves open to interpretation; thus, an essay inspired by this question can tackle anything from a formal event to a very small occurrence. A formal event or accomplishment might include anything from obvious landmarks like birthdays or weddings to achievements like earning an award or receiving a promotion. More informal examples might include something as simple as meeting a special person in your life, taking a car ride, or eating a particularly meaningful meal. We have often found that smaller, less formal events make for more surprising and memorable essays; but as with any of the other prompts, as long as you can answer with originality and put a unique twist on your subject matter, all ideas are fair game.
Your reflection on what you have learned and how you have grown will be a source of great insight for admissions, and you want to make sure your essay highlights the intangible qualities that don’t show up anywhere else on an application.
Some other things to consider:
For example:
The most important things to keep in mind when searching for these moments are the elements of growth, understanding, and transformation. The event, accomplishment, or realization you discuss should be something that helped you understand the world around you through a different, more mature lens.
One could argue that college is largely about the pursuit of knowledge, so you can imagine it would be quite appealing for an admissions officer to have a meter for your level of self-motivated learning, along with a better understanding of how and why you choose to pay attention to the things that intrigue you. This is a window into your brain: how you process information, how you seek out new sources of content and inspiration. How resourceful are you when your curiosity is piqued to the fullest? The answer to this prompt should also reveal something to admissions about the breadth or depth of your interests. For example, if you’re interested in studying astrophysics, you might choose to discuss a concept that shows how far your exploration of the sciences truly reaches. How consumed are you by this passion you are choosing to pursue academically?
Some key questions to consider:
And a few examples to get those wheels turning:
Whatever you’re into, embrace it. Show your feathers. Let your freak flag fly (within reason, obvs). This prompt is about the pursuit of knowledge and your desire to proactively challenge yourself. Whether you are devouring the classics on your Kindle or nerding out over the perfect cheese for calzone-making, your attachment to a subject may inspire admissions to want to learn more about it…and you.
Feared by some, coveted by others, and legendary in its existence; regardless of where you stand on the issue, this was a newsworthy addition to the 2017-18 Common App prompt choices. For years, students have been treating Prompt #1 (which asks about your background, etc.) as topic of your choice *light*—it wasn’t exactly the delicious, full-freedom version students were looking for, but they were able to make it work in a pinch. Applicants around the world likely let out a big exhale when they saw they could still serve up a big scoop of Prompt #7 to admissions in previous seasons. And this year will be no different.
Some questions to consider as you brainstorm, in addition to all of the ones we’ve posed thus far:
And a few examples of potential subjects and their related (custom!) prompts:
While being able to write about whatever you wish sounds great in theory, some students find—especially at the beginning of the brainstorming process—that they are debilitated by the “topic of your choice” option because it offers too much choice. If that is the case, fear not! Use some of the other prompts as starting points for your brainstorming and free writing journeys. Begin keeping a diary (now!) and jot down subjects, events, and memories as they float to the surface. Now that you have read our handy-dandy prompt guide and understand what admissions is looking for from these prompts, you could very well have a notebook filled with ideas that are ripe for expansion by the time you sit down to write.
So don’t worry about having too many ideas, or not having enough ideas, especially at the beginning of the topic selection process. Once you figure out what you’d like to say (and maybe even after you draft the crux of the essay itself), see if your concept fits one of the first six prompts. Trying to tailor your essay to a more specific prompt option may inspire an interesting spin on the story you are trying to tell—one you may not have thought of otherwise. Form influences content. If, after careful consideration, your magic essay topic does not work within the confines of Prompts 1-6, you are in luck. The glorious, all-encompassing Prompt #7 will be here to catch you.
With some brainstorming and hard work, every student can uncover a story worth telling in response to one of these prompts. Remember, admissions wants a glimpse of your personality, your values, your interests and your passions. They want to get an idea of what kind of attitude and energy you will bring to the classroom and campus life.
So take a few minutes to probe your memories, collect your stories and strike up that creative core. Every student has a fabulous essay inside of them – these prompts can help you find yours.
There are seven (7) Common App essay prompts for you to choose from for the 2025-26 season.
The Common App essay should be 650 words or fewer.
We’ll let you in on a little secret: It doesn’t really matter which Common App essay prompt you choose to answer. What matters is the story you have to tell. We recommend reading each prompt for inspiration and to get a sense of what admissions is looking for in these essays (spoiler alert: authentic narratives that reveal more about your character, background, and/or goals in a way that test scores and grades can’t articulate). Then, instead of focusing on which prompt you should choose, start the brainstorming process to figure out which story you want to tell, and you can select which prompt makes the most sense once you have your essay drafted.
Admissions is going to read a lot of bland, vague essays about common cliches. They’re also going to read a ton of lifeless essays that AI played a heavy role in drafting (don’t fall for that shortcut; they can tell, we promise). Your job is to draft and submit an essay that humanizes your application. What’s it like being in a room and chatting with you? In order to draft a Common App essay that stands out, you’ll need to showcase your ability to reflect on an aspect of your life and articulate for admissions how that quality, experience, or background has shaped the person you are today. The best college essays are the ones in which admissions officers finish reading and feel like they’ve gotten a feel for what it would be like to have a conversation with you and/or can envision the kind of student you’d be on campus. Stand-out essays will be incredibly personal and specific, so much so that no one else could put their name on your essay and call it their own.
Although you can read some successful college essay examples, we actually think it’s in your best interest not to read too many examples. Each student is going to have a different voice and unique approach to the assignment. We’ve found that students (and parents!) who have read too many college essay examples are often overwhelmed and have a rigid idea of what the “perfect” college essay should look like, often overlooking your own unique voice. The best way to know if your Common App essay is successful is to share it with people you trust to get a second opinion.
The Common App essay is invaluable in the admissions process. By the time you apply to college, you’ve likely already taken your standardized tests and done most of what you can do as far as grades and extracurricular activity involvement is concerned, which means that the college essay is one of the aspects of your college application that you have most control over. It’s also the only opportunity for you to speak to admissions in your own voice and help them to get to know the real, live human being behind all the data that leaves little room for nuance and personality. College essays can reveal information about a student that admissions officers wouldn’t have already known or deduced from their transcripts, but they can also cast an applicant in a negative light if not executed well. College applicants would be remiss to overlook the role college essays play in their college application submissions and the value of putting in the time to submit a thoughtful and unique essay that only you could compose.
One of the great things about the Common App essay is that you only have to write one, and it will go to almost every college on your list (with a few exceptions!). You can, however, reuse/repurpose your Common App essay for colleges that are not on the Common Application, such as Georgetown, MIT, and the UCs, for example. If you’re applying to schools via the Common Application, however, you should not reuse content from your Common App essay in any of your supplemental essays. In fact, you shouldn’t even address the same topic. Each of your essays should be distinct within each submission to provide admissions with a well-rounded picture of your candidacy. If you’re repeating the same information in your Common App essay and school-specific essays, you’re making a grave mistake!
Brainstorming tends to be the hardest part, which is why so many students procrastinate starting the writing process. But it doesn’t have to be that way! In order to brainstorm ideas for your Common App essay, read through the Common App prompts and start jotting down any (and every) idea that comes to mind. Then, put the prompts away. Good topics will capture something about how you see the world while emphasizing your human qualities. We recommend watching our college essay writing video course, College Essay Academy, for invaluable insight into the college essay writing process or inquiring about our one-on-one advising services so one of our expert Advisors can walk you through the process and alleviate the pressure of tackling this on your own.
"Thank you so much for your help throughout this college app writing process, from the first draft to this final revision. Working with you brought me confidence and relieved a lot of stress, both for myself and my parents."
– CEA Student, USC, Class of 2025
"I’m not sure if [my son] told you but he got accepted to his dream school!! Thank you so much for all your help! Your style of creative brainstorming, thoughtful follow-up questions, and invaluable editing resulted in unique, interesting essays that represented [my son] well. We are so appreciative of your expertise and patience throughout this stressful process! "
– CEA Parent, Cornell, Class of 2028