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Regular Decision College Essay Checkups

Ivy Divider

regular decision Students, we hear the sniffle in your voices. We see the feverish looks on your faces. It’s the final month before the regular decision deadline, and you’re thinking your college admissions essay might not be in the healthiest shape. The topic has been complaining of blurry vision, something about your introduction is making you itchy, and whole thing concludes in an empty, rattling cough. Doesn’t this kind of thing always happen at the worst possible time?

Fear not, suffering student! College Essay Advisors is here to cure your essay’s aches and pains. Call or message us today to book an early decision College Essay Checkup™, and pick up a quick cure for grammatical mistakes, bandages for your structural issues, and maybe even a vaccination against boring opening sentences. One quick consultation with the essay doctor includes:

  • A baseline checkup to identify content, structure and grammar issues, noted in handwriting that is far easier to decode than your average physician’s penmanship.
  • A speedy phone diagnosis, explaining the checkup conclusions and highlighting areas of potential improvement.
  • One quick follow-up scan to check your ensuing corrections.
  • A lollipop for being such a brave patient.

Contact us for a quote or call 347-927-9CEA (9232), and get on the road to essay wellness with CEA!

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