We have school-specific prompt guides for almost 100 schools.
The Requirements: 1 essay of 500 words
Supplemental Essay Type(s): Oddball
This prompt reminds us a lot of the Common App’s prompt #5, which asks about a realization or event that sparked a period of personal growth. Since this prompt is also asking about a person/event/experience that impacted you, our advice is the same: The event or person you discuss should be something (or someone) that helped you understand the world around you through a different, more mature lens. You have 500 words, which is enough space to tell a complete story to admissions, so get specific! Some questions you might want to consider when brainstorming your response to this prompt: What or who has inspired a change in your perspective? What were the moments or who were the people in your life that fundamentally changed you as a person? When did you learn something that made you feel more adult, more capable, or more grown up? FYI: Admissions will receive many essays about grandparents and deceased pets, which doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t write about those topics if they call to you, it just means you need to infuse your essay with that many more details and intricate reflections to stand out (should you choose to go in that direction).