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Regular Decision Deadline: Jan 6
You Have:
The Requirements: One essay of 250 words, one essay of 650 words, and one short answer of 140 characters.
Supplemental Essay Type(s): Oddball, Short Answer, Diversity
Don’t let the looks of this short, quirky supplement fool you: it will push you as a writer. But why should we expect any less from one of the best liberal arts colleges (according to US News and World Report)? To tackle this tricky supplement, give yourself plenty of time to think, tinker, and wordsmith.
Who knew 140 characters would still be relevant in a world of #longtweets? In case you don’t remember the prehistoric days of Twitter’s more limited character count, we’ll give you a tip: 140 characters is still enough space to write a full (if succinct) sentence. In other words, this short answer question is still an opportunity for you to show admissions a glimmer of personality or new information. Your answer should go beyond simply the name of the person or publication that first informed you of Bowdoin’s existence. In fact, you might even be able to sneak in one of the key reasons you’re applying. If your dad is an alum, maybe you can explain how you grew up hearing stories about this paradise in Maine. Or maybe you’re a hockey player with a penchant for poetry and your English teacher encouraged you to pursue both at Bowdoin. Believe it or not, each of those sentences came in under the character count!
Bet you weren’t expecting to take an English exam on your application! This is really a two question prompt, so skip down to the next question for our full walkthrough.
Gotcha! This optional prompt (as is the case with most optional prompts) is not optional in our eyes. It’s a key opportunity for you to tell admissions more about who you are, so take it! Plus, if you answer the first question, you ought to be able to defend your answer in the second. So here’s another crucial tip: although Bowdoin has given you a multiple choice question, there’s actually no right answer. Or rather, the only right answer is the one you choose genuinely, and without overthinking it. We know it might sound out there, but go with your gut. What line leaps out at you right away? Which lines connect with your life? Us, personally? We love the idea of “the keys of the world’s library,” a line you could take quite literally or more figuratively. A student writing about this line might have a longstanding love of actual libraries. Maybe you’ve always retreated to the library as a sanctuary, and to you, this line means that a college education will turn the whole world into your sanctuary and make you feel brave. On the other hand, maybe you see it as an invitation to explore: to study in other countries and learn from people in all fields. Either way, you can make your case with evidence from the text and your own life. The point is, you don’t have to give a full-scale close reading; tell a story about yourself instead.
Admissions wants to know what has made you into the person you are today and how those experiences will affect the way you engage with and contribute to the Bowdoin community. Start by thinking about the kinds of experiences you’ve had in the communities you’ve been a part of thus far. Then, once you’ve identified the life experience(s) that has had a meaningful impact on you, think ahead to how that will affect your time at Bowdoin.
If you opt to write about an experience where you had to navigate through a difference, be sure to summarize the experience as succinctly as possible; that way, you can focus on reflection and what you learned from it. Admissions wants to invite students to campus who are excited about the opportunity to meet people from all walks of life and won’t shy away from newness and difference.
Whichever route you go, make sure your response to this prompt shows that you have put some serious thought into the experiences that have shaped you and how you will apply those lessons and experiences to your time at Bowdoin next fall.