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Regular Decision Deadline: Jan 3
You Have:
The Requirements: One essay of 250 words
Supplemental Essay Type(s): Why, Diversity
Brandeis wants to know how your education thus far has influenced your perspective on inclusivity and justice, so tell them a story about an experience or experiences you have had that relate. Maybe you want to write about the time you confronted your school’s administration over outdated dress codes, your first experience in advocating for girls like yourself in an environment that prioritized the comfort of boys. Perhaps you took a community college course on race, class, and gender over the summer that blew your mind and made you realize you were seeing the world through rose-colored glasses. Did that class inspire you to read more about the legacy of Jim Crow? A strong response will feature some reflection that shows how you process new information and experiences and apply those takeaways to your everyday life. Show admissions that you are prepared to uphold its founding values during your time on campus and beyond.
Dang! Brandeis is really making its international applicants WERK! Well, here’s a quick tip: this question may seem like it’s asking about the difference between you and the domestic applicants, but it’s actually in your best interest to think about what distinguishes you from any other international student! What do you bring to campus that no one else can? What have you learned from your life experiences? And there’s one last twist to this application: in order to explain how you would “enrich the campus community,” you should probably know a thing or two about that campus community. So spend a little time on the Brandeis website to get a feel for the school, the students, and the surrounding community. How is the culture different from your own? (Your differences are your strengths!) Where might the two intersect? And how might that point of intersection create an opportunity for mutual learning? For more information about acing the international essay, check out this video we made just for you!