We have school-specific prompt guides for almost 100 schools.
Regular Decision Deadline: Feb 1
You Have:
The Requirements: 1 short essay of 300 characters
Supplemental Essay Type(s): Why
Admissions wants to know why you’re applying to Centre. They want specifics, they want details, they want you to spill ALL THE TEA. But they want you to keep it brief. So, begin by taking a moment to think. Why are you applying to Centre? Have you always wanted to attend a small liberal arts school? Will Centre’s Classical Studies major allow you to further compare Homer’s Iliad and Virgil’s Aeneid?? Are you excited about the internship opportunities available at Centre? No matter what your reasoning is, if you follow Centre’s directions closely and build a bridge from your past experiences and interests to your future plans and goals, you’ll be sure to distinguish yourself from other similarly qualified applicants.