The College of Idaho 2021-22 Application Essay Question Explanations The Requirements: 1 essay of 250 words each Supplemental Essay Type(s): Why Why are you interested in attending The College of Idaho? (250 words) The College of Idaho has plucked the petals off too many daisies playing He loves me… he loves me not. So instead […]
University of North Carolina at Greensboro 2021-22 Application Essay Question Explanations The Requirements: Why, Community, Oddball Supplemental Essay Type(s): 1 essay of 600 words Optional essay for merit scholarship consideration: Merit scholarships are limited in number. They are awarded to approximately the top 2 percent of the incoming first-year class. No separate application is required, […]
University of North Carolina at Charlotte 2021-22 Application Essay Question Explanation The Requirements: Why Supplemental Essay Type(s): 1 essay of 250 words Please describe why you are interested in attending UNC Charlotte. Your statement lets us get to know you beyond your coursework and test scores. Your response will distinguish you from other qualified candidates […]
University of Cincinnati 2021-22 Application Essay Question Explanations The Requirements: 1 essay of 500 words Supplemental Essay Type(s): Why Why did you apply to each of the academic programs listed on your application? This personal statement should provide additional information not already referenced in your application. To nail this question, set aside an hour or […]
Vassar College 2021-22 Application Essay Question Explanations The Requirements: 1 essay of 350 words Supplemental Essay Type(s): Why, Additional Info Why are you applying to Vassar? (Limit 350 words). We’ve got another Why essay on our hands, people! Before you write out the whole saga of how your mom’s best friend’s grandma went to Vassar […]
The Requirements: 1 essay of 200 words, 2 essays of 250 words, 3 short responses Supplemental Essay Type(s): Community, Activity, Why, Oddball Princeton University 2021-22 Application Essay Questions Explanation This is Princeton, the Number One university in the nation. Maybe you’ve heard of it? JK, we can smell the sweat on your palms from here. […]
George Mason University 2021-22 Application Essay Question Explanations The Requirements: 1 essay of 400 words Supplemental Essay Type(s): Why What is your motivation for pursuing higher education? Why do you believe George Mason University is the right institution for you? (400 words) If you are applying as score optional, your response is required. This prompt […]
Linfield University 2021-22 Application Essay Question Explanation The Requirements: 2 essays of 250 words each Supplemental Essay Type(s): Oddball, Diversity Describe a situation in which you came into contact with someone whose beliefs were different than your own. What did you learn from this experience and were your beliefs altered in any way? (Maximum of […]
College of William & Mary 2021-22 Application Essay Question Explanations The Requirements: 1 essay of 500 words or less Supplemental Essay Type(s): Topic of your choice Why hello, you lucky devils. William & Mary only has one supplemental essay! And it’s optional! Actually, the second part is kind of a lie. William & Mary may […]
The George Washington University 2021-22 Application Essay Question Explanations The Requirements: 1 essay of 500 words Supplemental Essay Type: Why (Optional) Every applicant can choose from one of the following two essay prompts to submit. Prompt 1: At the George Washington University, our students frequently interact with policymakers and world leaders. These experiences and those […]