Washington University in St. Louis 2021-2022 Application Essay Question Explanation The Requirements: One 250 word essay Supplemental Essay Type(s): Why Please tell us what you are interested in studying at WashU and why. (200 words) This is WashU’s version of a classic “Why Essay.” Even if you’re not completely sure what you want to major […]
University of Georgia 2021-22 Application Essay Question Explanations The Requirements: 1 essays of 200-300 words Supplemental Essay Type(s): Oddball The college admissions process can create anxiety. In an attempt to make it less stressful, please tell us an interesting or amusing story about yourself from your high school years that you have not already shared […]
Wake Forest 2021-22 Application Essay Question Explanations The Requirements: 3 optional essays Supplemental Essay Type: Short Answer, Oddball, Activity Before you dig in… The Wake Forest supplement always gives students a run for their money and the 2021-22 application is no exception. That’s why we made you a guide that explains the purpose of each […]
Yale University 2021-22 Application Essay Question Explanations Short Answers dominate the Yale application. So, in brief, they’re looking for confidence. When an essay must clock in at under 100 words, you don’t have time to waffle. There’s no room for you to circle your main idea with broad statements. You’ve got to get straight to […]
Oklahoma City University 2020-21 Application Essay Explanations The Requirements: 1 response of 50 words or less Supplemental Essay Type: Short Essay Tell us a fun fact about you! (Please limit to 250 characters or less than 50 words) The admissions committee at Oklahoma City University is not trying to read thousands upon thousands of words […]
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 2020-21 Application Essay Explanations The Requirements: 1 essay of 250 words and 1 essay of 300 words Supplemental Essay Type: Why, Activity Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute is not going to make you jump through hoops to submit an application, in fact, RPI asks applicants to apply to two of the most common supplemental […]
Georgetown 2021-22 Application Essay Question Explanations The Requirements: 1 essay of 250 words; 1 half-page essay; 2 page-long essays Supplemental Essay Type(s): Activity, Why Prompt 1: Indicate any special talents or skills you possess. (250 words) This prompt may come first on the list, but we think you should save it for last! For the other […]
Bennington College 2021-22 Application Essay Question Explanation The Requirements: 1 essay of 250 words, 1 short essay of 150 words Supplemental Essay Type(s): Why, Oddball What attracts you to Bennington College? (about 150 words max) If you’ve looked at any other supplements before this one, you have probably already seen some version of this question: why […]
Linfield University 2020-21 Application Essay Question Explanation The Requirements: 2 essays of 250 words each Supplemental Essay Type(s): Oddball, Diversity Describe a situation in which you came into contact with someone whose beliefs were different than your own. What did you learn from this experience and were your beliefs altered in any way? (Maximum of […]
The George Washington University 2020-21 Application Essay Question Explanations The Requirements: 1 essay of 250 words Supplemental Essay Type: Why (Optional) Every applicant can choose from one of the following two essay prompts to submit. Prompt 1: At the George Washington University, our students frequently interact with policymakers and world leaders. These experiences and those […]