You should be able to tick these three boxes.
Regular Decision Deadline: Jan 15
You Have:
The Requirements: 2 essays of 500-750 words
Supplemental Essay Type(s): Why
This is a heavy question for high school students to approach, but we know you can do it! Admissions is really just trying to gain insight into your worldview and vision for the future. Maybe you think revolution is the way to go, that we should overthrow broken and corrupt systems that no longer benefit the people. Perhaps you see humans evolving within our current systems into cyborgs, occupying a world in which humankind and artificial intelligence merge into one cohesive being, streamlining the creation of a Westworld-esque occupancy of Earth. Don’t get lost in the gravity of this prompt; instead, start by making a list: revolution on one side, evolution on the other. We’re confident that, if you dedicate time to pondering your thoughts and feelings on the matter, your response will practically write itself.
Soka University of America wants to know that you’ve given your application some thought. That you’re not applying willy-nilly, but have carefully considered your options and decided that SUA would be a great institution at which to study.
So, why are you seeking a liberal arts education? If you’re not really sure how a liberal arts degree differs from any other kind of degree, start by educating yourself. Next, articulate for admissions why a well-rounded education is important to you. Do you think it will allow you to build upon your communication and problem solving skills, preparing you for law school? Maybe you think it will help you to be more marketable once you enter the working world, prepared to work in a variety of fields with layered experience in both science and literature. Whatever your reason may be, make it clear with specific examples of your interests and how they can overlap. Next, explain why Soka, in particular, is the school to help you accomplish your goals (law school, marketability, etc.) and shape your future into one of contribution. Demonstrate your interests, passion, and vision for your life with a SUA degree, and admissions is sure to be impressed.