Our Common App Guide can help you choose a prompt!
Regular Decision Deadline: Feb 15
You Have:
The Requirements: 1 essay of 750 words
Supplemental Essay Type(s): Why
The College of Idaho has plucked the petals off too many daisies playing He loves me… he loves me not. So instead of tearing apart another garden, admissions has just decided to ask you plain and simple: “Why us?” Your reasons can run the gamut. Maybe all of your older siblings went to The College of Idaho and it’s kind of become a family tradition. Perhaps you aspire to be a Rhodes Scholar and The College of Idaho seems like the place to start. Maybe you want to go to a small liberal arts school close to home, especially one with a 100% law school acceptance rate since 2014 (post-graduation). Just make sure to tell admissions something new that they wouldn’t already know about you by reviewing the rest of your application!