Waiting is tough. We here at CEA stand by the microwave and watch the numbers count down as our frozen mac n’ cheese transforms from a big yellow block into gooey noodles (which is probably not good for our health — nor is eating frozen mac and cheese. Don’t tell our moms). Sometimes we take […]
While the essay is a potent piece of the puzzle, it is important to remember that it is but one of the crucial components of your college application. There is also the transcript, which is undeniably one of the most important factors in an admissions officer’s assessment of any applicant. Even this pretty straightforward index […]
It feels like it’s too early to start. Should you really take time out of your schedule to start writing your college essay? Yes! In a way. We agree that it’s a little early to begin the writing process in earnest, but you can never get enough of a head start on brainstorming how you […]
Yes, you read that right! The Common Application has announced the essay prompts for the 2018-19 college admissions season just over six months before students will actually be able to start applying to colleges in early August. And the prompts are (drumroll, please)…exactly the same as last year’s! This is awesome news for students who […]
So, you are settling into your comfy desk chair and cracking your knuckles, ready to start writing. You take a drink of water, open Microsoft Word and stare at the blinking cursor. You suddenly realize: you have no idea what you’re supposed to be accomplishing with this essay. Don’t worry, we are here to save […]
So you want to know how to write your personal statement, huh? Well, let me tell you this: the best personal essays tell a story. And like all good stories, they have (drumroll, please) a beginning, a middle, and an end. As you pull the notes from your brainstorm into your outline, think about the […]
We have always been skeptics when it comes to activities that require you to talk to yourself — or that prevent you from talking to anyone else. But science actually backs up the power of some of the following exercises. Though they may seem a little woo-woo at first, the truth is, when you’re desperate […]
A long time ago (back when applicants had to – GASP! – hand-write their applications) in a land far, far away (upstate New York), some fine academic institutions decided to take pity on the cramping hands of college applicants by creating a standardized form to help students streamline the application process. This great work of […]
Attention! This is not an alarm! January 1st deadlines have officially come and gone! This means that you’re probably done with all of your college applications!!! YAY!! This is an incredibly exciting time for all students entering the final stretch of their senior year. Think about all of the things you didn’t have time for […]
Deadlines are the worst. Even the word looks terrifying. It has the word “dead” in it. What’s with that? Bitter feelings aside, deadlines are inevitable. And many Regular Decision deadlines are creeping up on us. Whether you’re applying Regular Decision to safety, target, or dream schools, it’s important to make sure you get your applications […]