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CEA Blog

Time Management: The Essay Writing/Life Balance

Topic: College Admissions, Essay Tips  |  Posted on August 25th, 2016  |  Written by CEA HQ

Okay, so it’s senior year and you have approximately one billion things on your plate. Not only do you have school at least six hours a day, but you also have all of your after school activities, sports, homework…maybe even a part-time job. With everything going on in your life, how are you supposed to […]

5 Tips for the Perfect Summer College Road Trip

Topic: College Admissions  |  Posted on July 14th, 2016  |  Written by CEA HQ

This summer, you’re probably doing a lot of things to get ready for your senior year. You’re obviously beginning your summer reading list early so you don’t have to cram five books in the week before school starts. You may have just started your first real job, or are taking as many shifts as possible […]

College Spotlight: University of Chicago 2016-17

Topic: College Admissions, College Spotlight, Supplemental Essays  |  Posted on June 14th, 2016  |  Written by Thea Hogarth

The University of Chicago is known for its intellectually rigorous core curriculum, beautiful gothic architecture, and quirky application supplement (more on those oddball essay prompts below). It’s a nerd paradise where the blustery Chicago winters are the perfect excuse to stay inside with a nice book or ten. Even though the unofficial school motto is, “If […]

3 Strategies for Taking Good Notes on College Visits

Topic: College Admissions, Essay Tips  |  Posted on May 19th, 2016  |  Written by Thea Hogarth

Where will YOU go this summer? Is a good long stay at camp in your future? Will you head abroad to study or volunteer? How about a trip to Canada to hang out with ducklings and nice people? Is the inside of the local ice cream parlor your destination of choice? Will you be wielding […]

5 College Essay Tips for Parents

Topic: Essay Tips  |  Posted on March 3rd, 2016  |  Written by Thea Hogarth

Brace yourself for what we are about to say: parents can be helpful in the college essay writing process. Yes, it’s true. Though this may be hard to believe – whether you are a parent or a high schooler – we believe that parents may actually be a powerful secret weapon when used correctly. Of […]

ICYMI- Harvard Agrees: It’s Time to Tell Applicants, ‘You Are Enough’

Topic: College Admissions  |  Posted on January 27th, 2016  |  Written by Thea Hogarth

This week, CEA founder Stacey Brook provided some unique insight into Harvard’s recent “Turning the Tide” study. The college essay has become a crucial turning point in the application process that reveals just how damaging the college admissions culture has become. Stacey writes: I see it all the time: Imposter Syndrome in a thoughtful and […]

Personal Essay Spotlight: Amy Poehler

Topic: Essay Tips  |  Posted on July 29th, 2015  |  Written by CEA HQ

Hello, readers!  Welcome back to Personal Essay Spotlight!  We know that you are now confident that you have SOMETHING to write about (but if you’re still struggling, try these great brainstorming techniques!), and we know that you’ve nailed the concept of keeping sight of the big picture, so this week let’s talk about storytelling. Benjamin […]

ERMAHGERD! CEA’s Awesome Response to the Tufts University 2013-2014 College Admissions Essay #YOLO Prompt

Topic: College Admissions, Common App Prompts/Topics, Essay Tips, Supplemental Essays  |  Posted on July 23rd, 2013  |  Written by CEA HQ

While college applicants, parents and nerdy college essay advisors (ahem) often follow the release of the season’s new college admissions essay questions with a frothy fervor, it takes a lot to turn the mainstream media’s head in the direction of an often uniform and predictable process.  Still, Tufts University, longtime purveyor of the quirky prompt, […]

Welcome to College Essay Advisors!

Topic: College Admissions, Common App Prompts/Topics, Essay Tips, International Students, Resume Help, Supplemental Essays  |  Posted on July 4th, 2012  |  Written by CEA HQ

Welcome to College Essay Advisors, otherwise known as CEA.  Our college essay experts have been working with students for over a decade to help them personalize, polish and perfect the personal statement.  We know the college admissions essay is a crucial tool in boosting admissions rates for students of all abilities and have worked with […]

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