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CEA Blog

6 Unconventional College Majors You Never Knew You Wanted to Try

Topic: College Admissions  |  Posted on June 9th, 2016  |  Written by CEA HQ

Unless you’ve been living under a rock the past…oh, I don’t know…seven years or so, then you’ve heard the expression “there’s an app for that.” Think of the most ridiculous thing in the world, and you can probably find it in the app store. Just feel like popping a zit? There’s an app for that. […]

Bragging Writes Winner: A Real College Essay that Really Worked!

Topic: College Admissions, Essay Tips, International Students  |  Posted on May 25th, 2016  |  Written by Thea Hogarth

We are thrilled to announce that Kelly Porter’s essay, “En Español, Por Favor,” is the First Place winner of CEA’s Bragging Writes college essay contest. Her thoughtful approach to the Common App’s fifth prompt, about the transition from childhood to adulthood, stood out from the pack. Kelly’s essay caught our attention from the first line, […]

The Coalition Application Colleges for 2016-17

Topic: College Admissions  |  Posted on May 4th, 2016  |  Written by Thea Hogarth

When the Coalition for Access, Affordability and Success first announced its presence to the world in September of 2015, it was a consortium of 80 colleges, which then ballooned to more than 90, but then some of those schools decided to hold off on using the new application platform this year. Are you confused yet? […]