To absolutely no one’s surprise, this was a very competitive year for college applications. With each passing year more applicants pen Early Action and Early Decision love letters to their dream schools. In response, top schools have carried on with their tradition of accepting a very small percentage of these eager applicant pools (but still […]
Each year, thousands of students funnel a ton of time and resources into their applications to their dream schools only to receive disappointing news in December. If you can relate to this, you’re not alone! In fact, you’re in the majority. Upon receiving a rejection or deferral, many students revisit their application materials in order […]
Early Action and Early Decision deadlines will be here before you know it. If you have one school in mind that is your ride-or-die, you should definitely consider applying Early Decision to put yourself toward the front of the pack. Many schools tend to accept a higher percentage of both Early Decision and Early Action applicants than […]
First things first, congratulations to all those who received good news over the past few weeks — we’re so excited for you!! If you received bad news recently, please know that you’re not alone. Ivy league and top-tier school admissions have been increasingly competitive in recent years — and this year was no different. Trust […]
Whether you’re deciding where to attend college next fall via virtual tours, or diving into the daunting task of starting your college admissions essay, the past few weeks have felt overwhelming and uncertain — to say the least. As the nation grapples with the impacts of a global pandemic, there are several ways for juniors […]
To absolutely no one’s surprise, this was a very competitive year for college applications. With each passing year more applicants pen Early Action and Early Decision love letters to their dream schools. In response, top schools have carried on with their tradition of accepting a very small percentage of these eager applicant pools (but still […]
Early Action and Early Decision deadlines will be here before you know it. If you have one school in mind that is your ride-or-die, you should definitely consider applying Early Decision to put yourself toward the front of the pack. Many schools tend to accept a higher percentage of both Early Decision and Early Action applicants than […]
There are a few things you should be specifically aiming for in your college essay, and all of them are easy enough to accomplish: Make Yourself Memorable: In advertising, the idea of making yourself memorable is called “branding.” Celebrities often call it “star power.” What it really boils down to is finding something about yourself, […]
While the essay is a potent piece of the puzzle, it is important to remember that it is but one of the crucial components of your college application. There is also the transcript, which is undeniably one of the most important factors in an admissions officer’s assessment of any applicant. Even this pretty straightforward index […]
If you’ve been wondering whether your dream schools are on the Common Application or the Coalition, there’s good news! You don’t have to wonder anymore! The colleges accepting the Coalition Application for the upcoming college admissions season have been announced! The Coalition App has been growing in popularity since its inception in September of 2015 […]