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CEA Blog

6 Unconventional College Majors You Never Knew You Wanted to Try

Topic: College Admissions  |  Posted on June 9th, 2016  |  Written by CEA HQ

Unless you’ve been living under a rock the past…oh, I don’t know…seven years or so, then you’ve heard the expression “there’s an app for that.” Think of the most ridiculous thing in the world, and you can probably find it in the app store. Just feel like popping a zit? There’s an app for that. […]

Don’t Forget About Your College Essay This Summer: CEA’s Weekly Link Roundup

Topic: College Admissions, Essay Tips  |  Posted on May 27th, 2016  |  Written by CEA HQ

As the school year starts to wind down, we can lay back, relax, and start thinking about our impending college search and application process. Nothing stressful about that, right? With senior year just around the corner, college is probably one of the only things on your mind. The summer is a great time to begin […]

Don’t Miss CEA at the 2016 NACAC College Fair in NYC

Topic: College Admissions, Essay Tips  |  Posted on April 18th, 2016  |  Written by Thea Hogarth

This Sunday, hundreds of students will pay a visit to the fabled Jacob K. Javits Center in Manhattan for the 2016 NACAC College Fair. This incredible free event will give juniors the opportunity to explore a huge range of higher education options and get detailed information in subject-specific workshops. Plus, we’ll be there! Two friendly […]

Your 5-Step Guide to Surviving the Wait-List Apocalypse

Topic: College Admissions, Uncategorized  |  Posted on April 14th, 2016  |  Written by Stacey Brook

This post was originally published on USA Today College. The recent onslaught of wait-list letters arriving in the inboxes of disappointed students around the country probably isn’t quite as dire as a zombie apocalypse, but the terrors can be just as scary to combat. Once you’re infected, that feeling of unease can penetrate your life […]

The Year In Review: Personal Statement Success and More

Topic: College Admissions  |  Posted on January 6th, 2016  |  Written by Thea Hogarth

Wow. You are awesome. Before you start making New Years resolutions, take a moment to look back at all of your 2015 accomplishments. We’re serious. Get out a notebook at make a list: the best of you, year-in-review. Here, we’ll get you started: I completed applications to [pick a number] colleges! I balanced my school […]

The Danger of Reading Real College Essay Examples

Topic: Essay Tips  |  Posted on September 3rd, 2015  |  Written by Thea Hogarth

“Real college essay examples” is one of the most commonly searched phrases in the college application Googleverse. Cloaked in mystery, the personal statement is an assignment that students rarely encounter before senior year. And yet the college-applying hordes are required to tackle this beast every year. “Surely the successful essays of my predecessors will hold […]

ICYMI: College Essay Advisors on BuzzFeed

Topic: College Admissions, Essay Tips  |  Posted on July 1st, 2015  |  Written by Thea Hogarth

Last week marked a seminal moments in our lives – and hopefully a useful read in yours: College Essay Advisors published a Buzzfeed list covering 5 essential things Beyoncé can teach us about the college admissions essay. Believe it. Queen Bey can do literally everything, including teaching you how to write a killer college essay […]

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