The diversity-focused supplemental essay has been gaining traction on college applications for years. These prompts allow admissions to get a sense of a student’s background, culture, and values. They often provide meaningful context for a student’s resume, transcript, and other application materials. And, as of the 2023 Supreme Court ruling against affirmative action, they serve […]
If you’re reading this, odds are you’re staring at your calendar while a single bead of sweat drips down your face. First, get a tissue. Blot. Next, get comfortable; you’re about to accomplish something spectacular. In order to finish all of your college essays—we’re talking the Common App essay, UC essays, supplemental essays, COVID essays, […]
It’s a classic story of student-visits-campus, and it goes like this. First, student visits campus (duh). Then, student notices campus’ uncanny likeness to a wizarding school that shall-not-be-named. Student declares undying love for campus. Student decides to apply Early Decision because student is All In™. But then student realizes it’s only July. The deadline is […]
There is a ton of information that high school juniors and seniors have to absorb as they begin their college admissions journey. Understandably, many students (and parents!) have a lot of questions. We are in the business of alleviating the stress and pressure long associated with the college application process, so we’ve compiled a list […]
So, you are settling into your comfy desk chair and cracking your knuckles, ready to start writing. You take a drink of water, open Microsoft Word and stare at the blinking cursor. You suddenly realize: you have no idea what you’re supposed to be accomplishing with this essay. Don’t worry, we are here to save […]
It’s a jungle out there, but we don’t need to tell you that. You’ve been scouring websites clicking on words like “Requirements”, “Apply”, and “Unicorns” (oh wait, no, that was us) trying to see if your dream schools require supplements. It’s exhausting, but you’re not the only one out here looking out for lions, tigers, […]
Okay, so you have drilled and drilled until your fingers could tap no more and your noggin was verifiably empty. You have thousands of words on the page and you have color coded your best material for building out the big picture and filling in the meaningful details. Now what? Could it be that it’s […]
Hello essay rockstars! We have published new guides to help you navigate the tricky prompts brought to you by the 2017-18 college application season gremlins. Although some prompts can seem straightforward, it’s important to always keep your audience (admissions officers!) in mind. The supplemental prompt for NYU fits the model of a standard Why Essay, […]
Getting your college essay right is incredibly important, but you already know that or you wouldn’t be here. We have compiled a list of our favorite college essays that earned students admission to Johns Hopkins University. We think it’s best to jot down your own ideas before clouding your mind with the ideas of others, […]
Amherst College does not take supplemental essays lightly. The private liberal arts college in Massachusetts asks students to go the extra mile and write an essay inspired by one of the quotes they provide. Students also have the option to submit an essay presenting a persuasive argument. Since we believe the college essay works best […]