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CEA Blog

The Amherst College 2017-18 Supplement is Next Level

Topic: Admissions, College Admissions, Essay Resources, Supplemental Essays, Uncategorized  |  Posted on September 15th, 2017  |  Written by CEA HQ

Amherst College does not take supplemental essays lightly. The private liberal arts college in Massachusetts asks students to go the extra mile and write an essay inspired by one of the quotes they provide. Students also have the option to submit an essay presenting a persuasive argument. Since we believe the college essay works best […]

How to Write an Amazing Closing Line

Topic: Admissions, advice, College Admissions, Essay Resources, Essay Tips, Essay Writing, Quick Tips, Tips  |  Posted on September 13th, 2017  |  Written by CEA HQ

The last line of the essay is just as important as the first. The opening line sets a stage of intrigue and the closing line makes the final mark; don’t miss the chance to leave a lasting impression. The closing line can tie your story up in a neat little bow or leave admissions lingering, […]

How to Write a Great College Essay

Topic: Admissions, advice, College Admissions, Essay Tips, Essay Writing, From The Founder  |  Posted on September 11th, 2017  |  Written by CEA HQ

Writing a great college essay is one of the most pivotal tasks students will complete in their senior year of High School. You’ve already passed your driver’s test and writing a fantastic college essay will help determine where you will be driving around for the next four years of your life! Our Founder and Chief […]

Time Management Tips for College Applicants

Topic: Admissions, advice, College Admissions, Essay Tips, Productivity, Quick Tips, Tips, Uncategorized  |  Posted on August 10th, 2017  |  Written by Kat Stubing

You wake up, get ready, go to school, go to practice, go to work, spend some much needed time with your friends, and then you’re supposed to write a college essay?!?! We know, we get it. It can be difficult to not only find time to write your college essay, but use that time efficiently. […]

10 Critical College Essay Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Topic: Admissions, advice, College Admissions, Common Application, Essay Resources, Essay Tips, Essay Writing, Quick Tips, Tips  |  Posted on August 10th, 2017  |  Written by CEA HQ

Why College Essays Matter Since many other students have similar GPAs and test scores as you (if not better, eek!), one powerful way to stand out from the crowd is to draft compelling and insightful essays. The personal statement and other supplemental essays are your chance to “be in the room” with admissions and introduce […]

How to Combat Writer’s Block and Finish Your College Essay

Topic: Admissions, College Admissions, Common Application, Essay Tips, Essay Writing, Productivity, Quick Tips, Tips, Uncategorized  |  Posted on August 10th, 2017  |  Written by Kat Stubing

So you’re two hours deep into your college essay and you just can’t seem to get anything good down on paper! We know what that feels like, we’ve all been there! Here are 4 tips on how to overcome the beast that is writer’s block.   Flip your topic on its head Maybe the way […]

Is Modesty a Mistake in the College Essay?

Topic: Admissions, advice, College Admissions, Essay Tips, Essay Writing, Quick Tips, Tips, Uncategorized  |  Posted on July 26th, 2017  |  Written by Kat Stubing

We grow up being told to be humble and stay grounded —  and then suddenly the college essay comes along and we’re supposed to toot our own horn like there’s no tomorrow? Don’t college admissions officers want to see that we’re down to earth and not about to release a Kim K-inspired selfie book? Yes […]

The 2017-18 University of North Carolina (UNC) Supplemental Essays are Live!

Topic: Admissions, College Admissions, Essay Resources, Supplemental Essays, Uncategorized  |  Posted on July 20th, 2017  |  Written by Kat Stubing

The time is upon us! University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has released supplemental essays for the 2017-18 application season and they are just as creative and thought-provoking as we had hoped! UNC’s supplement will provide students with four prompts, of which they will choose two. The word count for each response is 200-250 […]

The 2017-18 Yale Supplemental Essay Prompts are Out!

Topic: Admissions, College Admissions, Essay Resources, Supplemental Essays  |  Posted on July 18th, 2017  |  Written by CEA HQ

You’ve been scouring the internet for weeks, maybe even months, trying to get a jump start on your Yale application to ensure your essays are imbued with that Ivy League-worthy je ne sais quois. Well, look no further. The supplements ready — but are you ready for them? (We think you are!) This year’s application […]

Our Home State Creates Tuition-Free Program

Topic: College Admissions, News  |  Posted on July 7th, 2017  |  Written by Kat Stubing

New York has passed a program to make all public schools and universities tuition-free for full-time students, and we could not be more proud as pavement-pounding, hot-dog-eating residents of Manhattan. Students who attend school full time and are on track to graduate between two and four years can take advantage of this new program. Many […]

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