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University of Virginia 2016 Essay Prompts and Profile

Topic: College Admissions, College Spotlight, Supplemental Essays  |  Posted on July 19th, 2016  |  Written by CEA HQ

The University of Virginia has become an increasingly respected and popular academic institution over the past decade, and it’s easy to see why. This distinguished public university, located in Charlottesville, Virginia was founded by none other than United States president Thomas Jefferson. The Jeffersonian architectural influence is especially evident when visiting The UVa campus and […]

College Spotlight: UC Application 2016-17

Topic: College Admissions, College Spotlight, Supplemental Essays  |  Posted on July 5th, 2016  |  Written by CEA HQ

How could anyone not want to check out at least one of the campuses that the University of California offers students? You’ve probably heard of UC Berkeley and UCLA, but did you know that UC has nine campuses located all over California? And each one offers unique academic and social experiences. The University of California’s […]

College Spotlight: University of Chicago 2016-17

Topic: College Admissions, College Spotlight, Supplemental Essays  |  Posted on June 14th, 2016  |  Written by Thea Hogarth

The University of Chicago is known for its intellectually rigorous core curriculum, beautiful gothic architecture, and quirky application supplement (more on those oddball essay prompts below). It’s a nerd paradise where the blustery Chicago winters are the perfect excuse to stay inside with a nice book or ten. Even though the unofficial school motto is, “If […]

The 2016-17 UNC Essay Prompts Are Out!

Topic: College Admissions, College Spotlight, Supplemental Essays  |  Posted on June 3rd, 2016  |  Written by Thea Hogarth

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is always among the first American universities to release its supplemental essay prompts, and this year is no exception. As a forerunner in the college application release pack, UNC’s prompts can often help set the tone for what to expect from other schools. Last year, the array […]

The 2016-17 Coalition Application Essay Prompts Have Been Released

Topic: College Admissions, International Students, Most Popular  |  Posted on April 21st, 2016  |  Written by Thea Hogarth

This past September, a coalition of 80+ top-tier colleges announced their #squadgoals to create a new kind of college application that would promote college access, affordability, and success for all students. This new platform would compete directly with the well-established Common App, offering students an alternative pathway to some of the best schools in the […]

Why We Love February Application Deadlines and You Should Too

Topic: College Admissions  |  Posted on January 20th, 2016  |  Written by Thea Hogarth

February is the shortest month of the year for a reason: it stinks. Snow piles up and begins to turn mysterious shades of yellow and brown. We finally use up the lotion we bought to ward off dry skin. And don’t even get us started on Valentine’s Day. Who thought it was a good idea […]

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