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Ivy Divider

CEA Blog

Six Medical School Secondary Essays You Can Start Writing Right Now! (And which ones you should wait on!)

Topic: Postgrad, Uncategorized  |  Posted on June 15th, 2023  |  Written by CEA HQ

Introduction Each year, we work with a select number of medical school applicants to help them draft strong, distinct personal statements and descriptions for the Work and Activity sections within their AMCAS applications, which are due at the end of May.  They inevitably ask us, in the days after submitting, “This is when we get […]

AMCAS Application for Med School: How to Write a Strong “Personal Comments” Essay

Topic: Postgrad, Uncategorized  |  Posted on July 28th, 2021  |  Written by Kat Stubing

If you’re submitting an application to a Medical School through AMCAS (The American Medical College Application Service), you’ve likely already put a considerable amount of time and thought into your decision to do so. The best way to reflect this high level of commitment is to write a memorable and succinct “Personal Comments” essay. AMCAS […]

How to Write Successful Md-PhD and Significant Research Experience Essays

Topic: Admissions, Uncategorized  |  Posted on June 19th, 2021  |  Written by Kat Stubing

If you’re applying to an MD-PhD program(s) through the AMCAS application, you are required to provide admissions with the Personal Comments essay and two additional essays: the MD-PhD Essay and the Significant Research Experience Essay. MD-PhD Essay The MD-PhD Essay is a straightforward “Why essay” — in other words, admissions is hoping to learn why […]

How to Survive Secondary Application Season

Topic: Admissions, advice, Postgrad  |  Posted on July 16th, 2018  |  Written by Thea Hogarth

Every harried med school applicant knows it: secondary application season is upon us. You’ve come so far already: you got the grades (even in organic chemistry!), you took the MCAT, you nailed your AMCAS personal statement, and you’re steeling yourself for the grueling schedule of interview season. You’ve probably spent your life acing tests and […]