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Ivy Divider
Ivy Divider

CEA Blog

How to Write Your Personal Statement

Topic: Admissions, advice, College Admissions, Essay Tips, Essay Writing  |  Posted on January 24th, 2018  |  Written by CEA HQ

So you want to know how to write your personal statement, huh? Well, let me tell you this: the best personal essays tell a story. And like all good stories, they have (drumroll, please) a beginning, a middle, and an end. As you pull the notes from your brainstorm into your outline, think about the […]

Personal Essay Spotlight: Amy Poehler

Topic: Essay Tips  |  Posted on July 29th, 2015  |  Written by CEA HQ

Hello, readers!  Welcome back to Personal Essay Spotlight!  We know that you are now confident that you have SOMETHING to write about (but if you’re still struggling, try these great brainstorming techniques!), and we know that you’ve nailed the concept of keeping sight of the big picture, so this week let’s talk about storytelling. Benjamin […]

Personal Essay Spotlight: David Sedaris

Topic: College Admissions, Essay Tips  |  Posted on May 8th, 2015  |  Written by Thea Hogarth

Hooray! It’s another installation of “Personal Essay Spotlight” in which we help you master the art of the personal essay by harnessing the techniques of the greats. This week, we’re tackling another common challenge (that will come up again and again): Seeing the big picture. At College Essay Advisors, we love discovering the details that […]

Personal Essay Spotlight: Eudora Welty

Topic: College Admissions, Essay Tips  |  Posted on April 22nd, 2015  |  Written by Thea Hogarth

When high seniors first encounter the Common Application, most have little to no experience with the personal essay, but this is exactly what colleges expect you to deliver in your application. It’s a format that requires both a conversational tone and polished, insightful storytelling, but most students haven’t had many opportunities or reasons to proactively […]