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Ivy Divider
Ivy Divider

CEA Blog

How to Ask Your Parents for Help with Your College Essay

Topic: Admissions, advice, College Admissions, Essay Resources, Essay Tips, Essay Writing, Tips, Uncategorized  |  Posted on September 13th, 2017  |  Written by CEA HQ

How do you tap into your parents’ brains? It’s simple! Ask for questions. Tell a close friend or family member you trust about your topic and ask him or her to assign you a set of interview questions. If this person read an essay about this topic, written by you, what would they want to […]

How to Write the Stanford University 2017-18 Supplemental Essay

Topic: Admissions, advice, Brainstorming, College Admissions, Essay Resources, Essay Tips, From The Founder, Supplemental Essays, Uncategorized  |  Posted on September 7th, 2017  |  Written by CEA HQ

The Stanford University supplement is a BEAST. There is no way around it. Admissions Officers really want to weed out the uncommitted students and learn more about the applicants who are willing to put the time in to submit an extensive and detailed application. We made you a guide on how to brainstorm and write […]

The Most Interesting Supplemental Essay Prompts of 2017

Topic: Admissions, College Admissions, Supplemental Essays, Uncategorized  |  Posted on September 7th, 2017  |  Written by CEA HQ

Supplemental essays can be a real drag. You have already poured your heart and soul into the personal statement and all you want to do is kick back and watch Homecoming King for the third time. We get it. Fortunately, some schools are stepping up their game to make answering their supplemental prompts FUN! Yes, […]

The Babson College 2017-18 Supplement is Unlike Any Other

Topic: Admissions, advice, College Admissions, Essay Resources, Essay Writing, Supplemental Essays  |  Posted on September 1st, 2017  |  Written by CEA HQ

Many colleges and universities require students to submit supplemental essays along with their main personal statement. The essays they require vary greatly in length, prompt, and theme. The Babson College 2017-18 supplement stands out from the crowd, because students are given the option to choose between submitting an essay or a video!   The supplement […]

How to Find Supplements on the Common App

Topic: Admissions, College Admissions, Supplemental Essays  |  Posted on August 11th, 2017  |  Written by CEA HQ

Wondering where to find those sneaky supplemental essay questions? Are they in the writing section of the Common App or hidden away in some deep, dark corner of a school’s supplemental application? You won’t know until you go poking around — or, until you watch this handy, dandy guide we made you!  

Time Management Tips for College Applicants

Topic: Admissions, advice, College Admissions, Essay Tips, Productivity, Quick Tips, Tips, Uncategorized  |  Posted on August 10th, 2017  |  Written by Kat Stubing

You wake up, get ready, go to school, go to practice, go to work, spend some much needed time with your friends, and then you’re supposed to write a college essay?!?! We know, we get it. It can be difficult to not only find time to write your college essay, but use that time efficiently. […]

How to Combat Writer’s Block and Finish Your College Essay

Topic: Admissions, College Admissions, Common Application, Essay Tips, Essay Writing, Productivity, Quick Tips, Tips, Uncategorized  |  Posted on August 10th, 2017  |  Written by Kat Stubing

So you’re two hours deep into your college essay and you just can’t seem to get anything good down on paper! We know what that feels like, we’ve all been there! Here are 4 tips on how to overcome the beast that is writer’s block.   Flip your topic on its head Maybe the way […]

The 2017-18 Common App is Live!

Topic: Admissions, College Admissions, Common App Prompts/Topics, Common Application, Uncategorized  |  Posted on August 1st, 2017  |  Written by Kat Stubing

Yes, you read that correctly! For months we’ve been eagerly awaiting the release of the shiny, updated Common Application for the 2017-18 application season and it’s finally here! So, now what?! First, things first. Make an account (if you haven’t already). Hop on the new platform and familiarize yourself! There are a bunch of new […]

Real Tufts University Supplemental Essay Examples!

Topic: Admissions, College Admissions, Essay Resources, Essay Writing, Good Reads  |  Posted on August 1st, 2017  |  Written by Kat Stubing

Are you planning on applying to Tufts University for Fall admission? Not sure where to start on your supplemental essays? Tufts has been so kind as to release some real life college essay examples that helped students earn acceptance to the great school! We thought we’d share a few of our favorite with you so […]

The 2017-18 University of North Carolina (UNC) Supplemental Essays are Live!

Topic: Admissions, College Admissions, Essay Resources, Supplemental Essays, Uncategorized  |  Posted on July 20th, 2017  |  Written by Kat Stubing

The time is upon us! University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has released supplemental essays for the 2017-18 application season and they are just as creative and thought-provoking as we had hoped! UNC’s supplement will provide students with four prompts, of which they will choose two. The word count for each response is 200-250 […]

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