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Ivy Divider
Ivy Divider

CEA Blog

How to Combat Writer’s Block and Finish Your College Essay

Topic: Admissions, College Admissions, Common Application, Essay Tips, Essay Writing, Productivity, Quick Tips, Tips, Uncategorized  |  Posted on August 10th, 2017  |  Written by Kat Stubing

So you’re two hours deep into your college essay and you just can’t seem to get anything good down on paper! We know what that feels like, we’ve all been there! Here are 4 tips on how to overcome the beast that is writer’s block.   Flip your topic on its head Maybe the way […]

Structure: How to Build a Boss Essay

Topic: Admissions, advice, College Admissions, Common Application, Essay Resources, Essay Tips, Essay Writing, Quick Tips, Tips, Uncategorized  |  Posted on July 31st, 2017  |  Written by Kat Stubing

Your college admissions essay is a required writing assignment, yes, but try not to think of it as more work that will stress you out. YOU OWN THIS ESSAY. How can you be the boss of this assignment instead of letting it be the boss of you?  It’s easier than it seems. Just do these […]

Why Summer is the Best Time to Write Your College Essay

Topic: advice, College Admissions, Essay Tips, Essay Writing, Productivity, Quick Tips, Starting Early, Summer Preparation, Tips  |  Posted on June 15th, 2017  |  Written by Kat Stubing

Listen, we get it. The waves are crashing, sun is beaming, and all you want to do is chill. You’ve been working all year long to make sure your grades are up to par and that you’ve put enough energy into your (nine-thousand?) activities to make a real impact on your community and make an […]

How to Dress Your Resume for Success: CEA’s Founder Gives Tips for Landing The Job

Topic: advice, From The Founder, Resume Help, Tips, Uncategorized  |  Posted on May 29th, 2017  |  Written by Kat Stubing

Besides being a pasta fanatic and college essay expert, our Founder and Chief Advisor, Stacey Brook, knows a thing or two about reaching academic and professional goals. Sure, each year she helps hundreds of students get into their dream schools by arming them with the tools required to craft the perfect college essay, but she […]

Guide to The NY Times’ Five Best College Essays on Work, Money and Class

Topic: advice, Essay Tips, Essay Writing, New York Times, Uncategorized  |  Posted on May 22nd, 2017  |  Written by Nina Bailey

Every year, The New York Times issues an open call for college application essays on the subject of money, work, and class. Money becomes a lens through which identity, family, and dreams, can be glimpsed. Out of the many submissions they received this year, The Times published the five best essays (four were published in […]

Five Foolproof Tips for Conquering the Common Application Essay

Topic: Admissions, advice, College Admissions, Common Application, Essay Tips, Essay Writing, Quick Tips, Tips, Uncategorized  |  Posted on May 12th, 2017  |  Written by Nina Bailey

  The first time I successfully did a handstand in yoga class, it was unexpected and almost effortless. My legs kicked up, and then, as if being lifted by string, I was supporting my body with my arms. When we talk about strategies for tackling the college essay, I like to tell the story of […]

College Spotlight: UC Application 2016-17

Topic: College Admissions, College Spotlight, Supplemental Essays  |  Posted on July 5th, 2016  |  Written by CEA HQ

How could anyone not want to check out at least one of the campuses that the University of California offers students? You’ve probably heard of UC Berkeley and UCLA, but did you know that UC has nine campuses located all over California? And each one offers unique academic and social experiences. The University of California’s […]

The Perfect Pace for Working on College Applications over the Summer

Topic: College Admissions, Essay Tips, International Students, Most Popular  |  Posted on June 30th, 2016  |  Written by Thea Hogarth

Summertime has officially arrived. The “strawberry moon” solstice has passed and there’s some good energy in the air (if you believe in that sort of thing!). Two major soccer championships are underway and the Summer Olympics are right around the corner. Big things are happening, guys! As any good stargazer or athlete knows, timing is […]

Free College Essay Topic Help: June 28, 2016!

Topic: College Admissions, Essay Tips, International Students, Most Popular  |  Posted on June 22nd, 2016  |  Written by Thea Hogarth

School is out. The sun is shining. The beach is beckoning. But you’ve got college essays to write. We know. If we were you, we’d want to prioritize bronzing over brainstorming, too. That’s why we’re giving away tons of free advice and goodies on Tuesday, June 28. Kick off your summer writing season with a […]

4 Surprisingly Simple Strategies for Tackling Supplemental Application Essays

Topic: College Admissions, Essay Tips, Supplemental Essays  |  Posted on June 16th, 2016  |  Written by Thea Hogarth

The deluge has begun. The earliest supplemental essays have started to trickle out and it’s time to bust out your rain slicker and boots… maybe even a canoe if you have one on hand. For the uninitiated, supplemental essays are the school-specific writing assignments that many colleges and universities require in addition to the Common […]

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