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Avi Israel

Ivy Divider

Avi Israel

Senior College Essay Advisor

Avi Israel graduated from Colgate University with a B.A. in English, a B.A. in Philosophy, and an unofficial minor in Classics. After that, she received her J.D. from the University of Pennsylvania Law School and a Certificate in Management from The Wharton School. She continued studying justice, law, and criminology at American University, where she had the privilege of being a research assistant, a teaching assistant, and an adjunct instructor; the position also took her to Oxford, where she completed the International Human Rights Law Summer School for lawyers. Despite this clear career path, Avi has continued to work every other job under the sun, from bartender to baker to candlestick maker (really!). When she is not tutoring and crafting essays, she is the Director of Advocacy for The Seventh Wave, an arts and literary nonprofit focused on the intersection between art and social justice issues.

Avi’s personal essay expressed a desire to learn more about mental health law and its respective reforms.

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