Ah, Presidents Day. That random break in the middle of February. It’s the perfect time to contemplate the Declaration of Independence, memorize the score of Hamilton, or create a portrait of Thomas Jefferson using nothing but bottle caps. Alternatively, you could abandon all patriotic rumination and go on a quest for the perfect rainbow bagel – or just watch this mesmerizing video for 72 hours. We’re not here to judge.
We are here to offer a few suggestions of our own for you to squeeze in between bagels and rap battles. There are some very simple ways for you to turn your Presidents Day 2016 into a productive and playful February adventure:
Hey, you. Yeah, you. Did you know that you’re awesome? We did. If you’re starting to feel nervous about the admissions process, or uncertain about what you bring to the table, now is the perfect time to reflect on all of your accomplishments. Start to make a list of your most important junior year accomplishments. The sky is the limit. That hard-won A on a pre-calc exam, that public speaking award, that hug you finally got from the kid you babysit – it all counts. Perhaps some of these ideas will become the basis for your college essays. Perhaps you’ll add them to your resume or activity list. Speaking of which…
Whether you’re trying to land a dream internship over the summer or you just want to get ahead of the curve in prepping your application materials, now is the perfect time to work on your resume. It’s another opportunity for you to tell a story about yourself, and we’re here to help!
What’s a vacation without a good solid 3-5 hours of daily binge watching? Sure, you can check out what’s new on Netflix this month, but we’ve also got a suggestion that is tailor-made for you. Our 10-episode online video series, College Essay Academy, is the perfect binge-watch to orient you to the challenges that lie ahead. It’s 3 hours of hard-hitting advice and cat jokes covering every aspect of the college application essay writing process: from the Common App to the supplements, from the brainstorm through the final edit, from topic selection to real essay examples. After you watch this the college essay won’t seem very scary at all, we promise.