Applying to an Ivy League institution, such as Brown University, can be incredibly stressful! Luckily for you, CEA's Founder and Chief Advisor, Stacey Brook, is here to walk you through Brown's four (4) supplemental essay prompts.
Submitting your college application to the University of Michigan can be a real nail-biter. Michigan requires three supplemental essays. The Founder and Chief Advisor of College Essay Advisors, Stacey Brook, is here to give you invaluable insight into the prompts and the motivation behind them so you can take advantage of this opportunity to speak to admissions in your own voice.
UNC is well-known for being the first public university in the United States and a leader in innovative teaching strategies. The school is also known for receiving many college applications, which means it is crucial for applicants to differentiate themselves in their essays. Luckily for UNC hopefuls, the university gives students two additional supplemental prompts to respond to in order to set themselves apart from the sea of similarly qualified applicants and increase their chances of getting into UNC. College Essay Advisors Founder and Chief Advisor, Stacey Brook, is here to break down the UNC supplemental prompts so you know which essays will showcase your best attributes!
Submitting your college application to Duke University can be a real nail-biter. Although it's probably too late now to tweak your test scores or GPA, you can make sure that your college application essays will bring you admissions success! Duke requires one supplemental short answer and gives students the opportunity to respond to two optional prompts. The Founder and Chief Advisor of College Essay Advisors, Stacey Brook, is here to give you invaluable insight into the prompts and the motivation behind them so you can take advantage of this opportunity to speak to admissions in your own voice.
Harvard University is one of the most competitive schools in the country. Every year admissions officers are bombarded with applications from eager students looking to make the cut. Thus, Harvard has a supplement to give students an opportunity to distinguish themselves from the competition. Writing supplemental essays can be daunting, but luckily for you, College Essay Advisors founder (and admissions expert) Stacey Brook is here to break down the Harvard supplement so you can hit submit with confidence.
With the Supreme Court ruling on Affirmative Action came an avalanche of diversity essays meant to compensate for a missing tool that aimed to level the playing field. We here at CEA have celebrated the preponderance of opportunities to address race, gender, and other identity-oriented details on the application. We have also found that these prompts can be flummoxing for some students. CEA's Founder and Chief Advisor, Stacey Brook, is here to provide guidance to applicants who feel like they don't have an obvious "diversity" story to tell.
Vanderbilt asks 2023-24 applicants to respond to one of two prompts in 250 words or fewer. CEA's Founder and Chief Advisor, Stacey Brook, is here to walk you through drafting a distinct essay response.
Worcester Polytechnic Institute seeks students who are the right fit for its academic and campus community. CEA's Founder and Chief Advisor, Stacey Brook, is here to help you make your case as to why you're the perfect fit for WPI (and vice versa)!
The University of Miami asks applicants to respond to one supplemental essay prompt in 250 words or less (full text below). CEA's Founder and Chief Advisor, Stacey Brook, is here to share some tips and tricks for differentiating your response.
American University asks applicants to respond to the following prompt, "Why are you interested in American University?" in 150 words or less. With such few words at your disposal, you'll want to be succinct as possible. CEA's Founder and Chief Advisor, Stacey Brook, has some tips to help you get started on a distinct response.
Admissions wants to know just what appeals to you about the University of Wisconsin-Madison. CEA's Founder and Chief Advisor, Stacey Brook, is here to lend tips and tricks for writing a winning supplemental essay for your Wisconsin-Madison application.
CEA's Founder and Chief Advisor, Stacey Brook, is here to give you a jumpstart on your drafted response for Wake Forest's "Why?" essay: "How did you become interested in Wake Forest University? Feel free to tell us about any contact that you had with Wake Forest that was important to you. (150 words)"
CEA's Founder and Chief Advisor, Stacey Brook, is here to walk you through Wake Forest's 2021-22 Brief Responses, so you can submit a distinct and personal application to WFU.
CEA's Founder and Chief Advisor, Stacey Brook, is here to break down Yale's 250-word "Intellectual Interest" essay, which reads, "Yale’s extensive course offerings and vibrant conversations beyond the classroom encourage students to follow their developing intellectual interests wherever they lead. Tell us about your engagement with a topic or idea that excites you. Why are you drawn to it?"
Many colleges and universities ask art students to write an artist statement as part of their applications. Writing an Artist Statement can be tricky, especially if you’re applying as an undergraduate.
Purdue University asks applicants to write three short supplemental essays as part of their admissions application. Founder and Chief Advisor of College Essay Advisors, Stacey Brook, is here to give you invaluable insight into the prompts and the motivation behind them so you can take advantage of this opportunity to speak to admissions in your own voice.
CEA's Founder and Chief Advisor, Stacey Brook, is here to walk you through Yale University's "Short Takes" supplement section for the 2021-22 application season. It's time to brainstorm!
CEA's Founder and Chief Advisor, Stacey Brook, is here to walk you through the 2021-22 Yale University "Why Yale?" supplement section, so you can infuse your response with specificity while demonstrating fit.
Georgetown University asks applicants to submit four (4) essays in their undergraduate admission application. CEA's Founder and Chief Advisor, Stacey Brook, is here to walk you through each of Georgetown's 2021-22 prompts, so you can draft with confidence.
CEA's Founder and Chief Advisor, Stacey Brook, is here to walk you through the 2021-22 University of Chicago supplemental essays, so you can better understand what admissions is looking for in your response.
CEA's Founder and Chief Advisor, Stacey Brook, is here to walk you through the 2021-22 Colgate University supplemental essays, so you can draft winning responses.
Preferred Admission applicants to the University of Michigan's Stephen M. Ross School of Business will complete a portfolio. This portfolio is in addition to the materials you submit with your Common Application or Coalition Application.
Boston College asks students to select one prompt (out of five) to respond to in 400 words or less (prompts below). So what will you write about? Philosophy, racial injustice, conversation partners, introspection, or your favorite book? CEA's Founder and Chief Advisor, Stacey Brook, is here to give you all the information you need to select a prompt and write an amazing supplemental essay.
Dartmouth College is one of the most competitive schools in the country, and every year admissions officers are faced with countless applications from eager students looking to make the cut. Dartmouth's supplemental essay prompts are an opportunity for applicants to distinguish themselves from their peers. CEA's Founder and Chief Advisor, Stacey Brook, is here to break down the seven Dartmouth College supplemental essay prompts, so you can draft your responses with confidence.
Whether you’re applying to the United States Air Force Academy, Naval Academy, Coast Guard Academy, Merchant Marine Academy, or West Point Military Academy, you can anticipate penning responses to these four types of essay prompts. CEA's Founder and Chief Advisor, Stacey Brook, is here to walk you through the four most common Military application essay categories!
Many colleges and universities have started asking applicants to respond to prompts that ask them about their experiences with diversity, inclusion, and equity. CEA's Founder and Chief Advisor, Stacey Brook, is here to walk you through the popular new supplemental essay prompt.
So, we just have to say it: the USC application is kind of all over the place! You’ll be asked about everything from your academic interests to your life's theme song, so make sure to tighten the straps on your brainstorming helmet. Our Founder and Chief Advisor, Stacey Brook, is here to show you how to use every essay as an opportunity to showcase something different about yourself!
For the UC application, the rules may be unfamiliar but the game is the same: tell admissions something they don’t know, and then do it three more times! A strategic applicant will choose an amalgam of prompts that highlight vastly different aspects of their life and personality, leaving an admissions officer with a deep and complete picture of who they are. Our Founder and Chief Advisor, Stacey Brook, is here to help you avoid getting hung up on trying to find the questions admissions "wants" you to answer -- with each essay, your goal isn’t just to answer the question, but to tell a very short story about yourself!
Since it's not on the Common App, Georgetown requires some extra special attention when it comes to its supplemental essay requirements! Luckily, our Founder and Chief Advisor Stacey Brook is here to give you invaluable insight into the prompts and discuss the motivation behind them. Take advantage of this opportunity to speak to admissions in your own voice!
Harvard University is one of the most competitive schools in the country, and every year admissions officers are faced with countless applications from eager students looking to make the cut. As a result, Harvard's supplemental essay prompts are diverse and complex, to allow students an opportunity to distinguish themselves from their peers. If you're feeling overwhelmed, fear not! CEA's Founder and Chief Advisor, Stacey Brook, is here to break down the Harvard essays so you can hit submit with confidence.
The Stanford University application is nothing short of a doozie -- no less than EIGHT essays of varying lengths for students to answer and submit! To help you tackle this beast, our Founder and Chief Advisor Stacey Brook has created this video guide to walk you through each of the prompts, and give you the tips and tricks you need to make an impression on admissions.
The Boston University essay requirements are a gift to students: two of the most straightforward prompts you could ask for, and only one of them is required! Of course, our Founder and Chief Advisor, Stacey Brook, doesn't believe that any essay is truly optional, so make sure you're taking advantage of every opportunity you have to speak to admissions in your own voice. Plan ahead, pay attention to the questions, and above all don't wait until the last minute to start your work!
We know that submitting your application to the University of Michigan can cause some serious stress. Thankfully, this year Michigan only requires two supplemental essays instead of three! Our Founder and Chief Advisor, Stacey Brook, is here to give you invaluable insight into the prompts and provide you with tips and tricks to help you showcase yourself to admissions using your own unique voice.
New York University (NYU) asks undergraduate applicants to write one supplemental essay (prompt in description below) on top of their Common App personal statement. CEA's Founder and Chief Advisor, Stacey Brook, is here to tell you everything you need to know in order to craft a winning response!
Applying to an Ivy League institution, such as Brown University, can be incredibly stressful! Luckily for you, CEA's Founder and Chief Advisor, Stacey Brook, is here to walk you through Brown's four (4) supplemental essay prompts.
Every year, colleges and universities around the world offer applicants the opportunity to respond to "optional" supplemental essay questions...But are these prompts truly optional? CEA's Founder and Chief Advisor, Stacey Brook, lets you in on a college admissions secret.
There's probably a section of the Common Application that says "Writing", in which all of the supplemental essays live, right? WRONG! Supplements can be found in a variety of places and can sneak up on students who have spent months preparing to submit their applications. Don't let that be you! This video will detail the several different places where you can find supplemental essays.
Vanderbilt University's supplement consists of one prompt (text below). CEA's Founder and Chief Advisor, Stacey Brook, is here to help you take full advantage of this opportunity to illuminate your leadership skills or personal values for admissions.
Want the key to writing the most important and pervasive school-specific supplemental essays? We've got the tips and tricks you need to conquer the ever-popular "Activity" and "Community" supplements so you can showcase for admissions how you spend your time, where you feel like you belong and what truly motivates you to action. Assigned by schools like Harvard, Stanford, The University of Michigan and so many more, mastering these supplemental essays will ensure you utilize every opportunity a school's application provides to showcase your strengths.
Most supplemental essay prompts are designed to both gauge a student’s interest and determine where a student might fit into a school’s particular community. Typically, these essays focus more specifically on future academic and professional goals, school-related activities and a student's role in your current community than the Common App's personal statement. Watch this video for a short and sweet introduction to supplemental essays. Know what you're up against!
The Why Essay takes on many forms and can ask many questions: What will you do when you get here? How will you take advantage of all the resources our school has to offer? How will the school support your academic or professional goals? How do your past experiences or future goals support these claims? It’s likely that many schools to which you apply will as the Why question in slightly different ways (and with a WIDE range of word limits). This video will teach you everything you need to know about how to respond to the "Why do you want to go here?" essay.
There are certain schools, like the University of Chicago, who have always taken special pride in developing crafty questions for their applicants to answer. In recent years, more schools are jumping on the bandwagon, luring students to their applications with questions like “What does #YOLO mean to you” (Tufts, 2013). This is both fun and exhausting for applicants who are grateful for an injection of modern, quirky inspiration, but whose creative wells may be running dry. This video will get down to the bottom line: Why are schools asking these questions and what are they looking for in applicants' responses?
The Boston University application supplement is a gift: two of the most straightforward prompts you could ask for, and only one of them is required [full prompts below]. But beware, a simple supplement is no reason to ignore a school or save it until the last minute. In fact, it means you have no excuse not to nail your essay, so pay attention and do your work!
New York University (NYU) asks undergraduate applicants to pen one supplemental essay (prompt below) in addition to the personal statement. CEA's Founder and Chief Advisor, Stacey Brook, is here to tell you everything you need to know in order to draft a compelling response.
Boston College asks students to select one prompt (out of four) to respond to in 400 words or less (prompts below). So what will you write about? Art, community, a contemporary problem, or character formation? CEA's Founder and Chief Advisor, Stacey Brook, is here to give you all the information you need to select a prompt and write an amazing supplemental essay.
The University of Georgia asks students to write two application essays of 200-300 words. The first prompt is set in stone, and for the second essay, applicants can choose one of four prompts to respond to [prompts below]. CEA's Founder and Chief Advisor, Stacey Brook, is here to tell you everything you need to know about choosing and responding to these prompts for UGA. Let's begin!
The challenge of short answer questions lies half in generating honest, unique and clever ideas, and the other in being concise. The purpose of additional info essays is to provide admissions with an explanation for a drop in grades, low test scores, or prolonged absences. Both of these essay types need to be handled with care -- and that's exactly what this video will show you how to do.
The University of Texas: Austin application is a beast unto itself, with a slew of essay prompts (full text below) that ask you to dig into all aspects of your life. From your home life to your future plans, you're going to have to tell all -- and in a way that sets you apart! Luckily CEA's Founder, Stacey Brook, is here to break down the prompts so you're ready to tackle anything Texas' independent platform throws at you.
Emory University asks first-year applicants to write two (2) essays in addition to the personal statement. Applicants must choose one prompt from the "Reflections" category and one prompt from the "Tell us about you" category. CEA's Founder and Chief Advisor, Stacey Brook, is here to tell you everything you need to know about choosing and responding to these prompts. Let's begin!
These days, most colleges and universities require supplemental applications in addition to the Common Application. You could be looking at a list of 10+ supplemental essays, so we made you a quick guide to the most common supplemental question: "Why do you want to go here?"
Are you planning to apply to Northwestern University? The Founder and Chief Advisor of College Essay Advisors, Stacey Brook, is here to give you invaluable insight into Northwestern's supplemental essay prompt so you can take advantage of this opportunity to speak to admissions in your own voice.
Submitting your college application to the University of Michigan can be a real nail-biter. Michigan requires three supplemental essays. The Founder and Chief Advisor of College Essay Advisors, Stacey Brook, is here to give you invaluable insight into the prompts and the motivation behind them so you can take advantage of this opportunity to speak to admissions in your own voice.
UNC is well-known for being the first public university in the United States and a leader in innovative teaching strategies. The school is also known for receiving many college applications, which means it is crucial for applicants to differentiate themselves in their essays. Luckily for UNC hopefuls, the university gives students two additional supplemental prompts to respond to in order to set themselves apart from the sea of similarly qualified applicants and increase their chances of getting into UNC. College Essay Advisors Founder and Chief Advisor, Stacey Brook, is here to break down the UNC supplemental prompts so you know which essays will showcase your best attributes!
Submitting your college application to Duke University can be a real nail-biter. Although it's probably too late now to tweak your test scores or GPA, you can make sure that your college application essays will bring you admissions success! Duke requires one supplemental short answer and gives students the opportunity to respond to two optional prompts. The Founder and Chief Advisor of College Essay Advisors, Stacey Brook, is here to give you invaluable insight into the prompts and the motivation behind them so you can take advantage of this opportunity to speak to admissions in your own voice.
Harvard University is one of the most competitive schools in the country. Every year admissions officers are bombarded with applications from eager students looking to make the cut. Thus, Harvard has a supplement to give students an opportunity to distinguish themselves from the competition. Writing supplemental essays can be daunting, but luckily for you, College Essay Advisors founder (and admissions expert) Stacey Brook is here to break down the Harvard supplement so you can hit submit with confidence.
With the Supreme Court ruling on Affirmative Action came an avalanche of diversity essays meant to compensate for a missing tool that aimed to level the playing field. We here at CEA have celebrated the preponderance of opportunities to address race, gender, and other identity-oriented details on the application. We have also found that these prompts can be flummoxing for some students. CEA's Founder and Chief Advisor, Stacey Brook, is here to provide guidance to applicants who feel like they don't have an obvious "diversity" story to tell.
Vanderbilt asks 2023-24 applicants to respond to one of two prompts in 250 words or fewer. CEA's Founder and Chief Advisor, Stacey Brook, is here to walk you through drafting a distinct essay response.
Worcester Polytechnic Institute seeks students who are the right fit for its academic and campus community. CEA's Founder and Chief Advisor, Stacey Brook, is here to help you make your case as to why you're the perfect fit for WPI (and vice versa)!
The University of Miami asks applicants to respond to one supplemental essay prompt in 250 words or less (full text below). CEA's Founder and Chief Advisor, Stacey Brook, is here to share some tips and tricks for differentiating your response.
American University asks applicants to respond to the following prompt, "Why are you interested in American University?" in 150 words or less. With such few words at your disposal, you'll want to be succinct as possible. CEA's Founder and Chief Advisor, Stacey Brook, has some tips to help you get started on a distinct response.
Admissions wants to know just what appeals to you about the University of Wisconsin-Madison. CEA's Founder and Chief Advisor, Stacey Brook, is here to lend tips and tricks for writing a winning supplemental essay for your Wisconsin-Madison application.
CEA's Founder and Chief Advisor, Stacey Brook, is here to give you a jumpstart on your drafted response for Wake Forest's "Why?" essay: "How did you become interested in Wake Forest University? Feel free to tell us about any contact that you had with Wake Forest that was important to you. (150 words)"
CEA's Founder and Chief Advisor, Stacey Brook, is here to walk you through Wake Forest's 2021-22 Brief Responses, so you can submit a distinct and personal application to WFU.
CEA's Founder and Chief Advisor, Stacey Brook, is here to break down Yale's 250-word "Intellectual Interest" essay, which reads, "Yale’s extensive course offerings and vibrant conversations beyond the classroom encourage students to follow their developing intellectual interests wherever they lead. Tell us about your engagement with a topic or idea that excites you. Why are you drawn to it?"
Many colleges and universities ask art students to write an artist statement as part of their applications. Writing an Artist Statement can be tricky, especially if you’re applying as an undergraduate.
Purdue University asks applicants to write three short supplemental essays as part of their admissions application. Founder and Chief Advisor of College Essay Advisors, Stacey Brook, is here to give you invaluable insight into the prompts and the motivation behind them so you can take advantage of this opportunity to speak to admissions in your own voice.
CEA's Founder and Chief Advisor, Stacey Brook, is here to walk you through Yale University's "Short Takes" supplement section for the 2021-22 application season. It's time to brainstorm!
CEA's Founder and Chief Advisor, Stacey Brook, is here to walk you through the 2021-22 Yale University "Why Yale?" supplement section, so you can infuse your response with specificity while demonstrating fit.
Georgetown University asks applicants to submit four (4) essays in their undergraduate admission application. CEA's Founder and Chief Advisor, Stacey Brook, is here to walk you through each of Georgetown's 2021-22 prompts, so you can draft with confidence.
CEA's Founder and Chief Advisor, Stacey Brook, is here to walk you through the 2021-22 University of Chicago supplemental essays, so you can better understand what admissions is looking for in your response.
CEA's Founder and Chief Advisor, Stacey Brook, is here to walk you through the 2021-22 Colgate University supplemental essays, so you can draft winning responses.
Preferred Admission applicants to the University of Michigan's Stephen M. Ross School of Business will complete a portfolio. This portfolio is in addition to the materials you submit with your Common Application or Coalition Application.
Boston College asks students to select one prompt (out of five) to respond to in 400 words or less (prompts below). So what will you write about? Philosophy, racial injustice, conversation partners, introspection, or your favorite book? CEA's Founder and Chief Advisor, Stacey Brook, is here to give you all the information you need to select a prompt and write an amazing supplemental essay.
Dartmouth College is one of the most competitive schools in the country, and every year admissions officers are faced with countless applications from eager students looking to make the cut. Dartmouth's supplemental essay prompts are an opportunity for applicants to distinguish themselves from their peers. CEA's Founder and Chief Advisor, Stacey Brook, is here to break down the seven Dartmouth College supplemental essay prompts, so you can draft your responses with confidence.
Whether you’re applying to the United States Air Force Academy, Naval Academy, Coast Guard Academy, Merchant Marine Academy, or West Point Military Academy, you can anticipate penning responses to these four types of essay prompts. CEA's Founder and Chief Advisor, Stacey Brook, is here to walk you through the four most common Military application essay categories!
Many colleges and universities have started asking applicants to respond to prompts that ask them about their experiences with diversity, inclusion, and equity. CEA's Founder and Chief Advisor, Stacey Brook, is here to walk you through the popular new supplemental essay prompt.
So, we just have to say it: the USC application is kind of all over the place! You’ll be asked about everything from your academic interests to your life's theme song, so make sure to tighten the straps on your brainstorming helmet. Our Founder and Chief Advisor, Stacey Brook, is here to show you how to use every essay as an opportunity to showcase something different about yourself!
For the UC application, the rules may be unfamiliar but the game is the same: tell admissions something they don’t know, and then do it three more times! A strategic applicant will choose an amalgam of prompts that highlight vastly different aspects of their life and personality, leaving an admissions officer with a deep and complete picture of who they are. Our Founder and Chief Advisor, Stacey Brook, is here to help you avoid getting hung up on trying to find the questions admissions "wants" you to answer -- with each essay, your goal isn’t just to answer the question, but to tell a very short story about yourself!
Since it's not on the Common App, Georgetown requires some extra special attention when it comes to its supplemental essay requirements! Luckily, our Founder and Chief Advisor Stacey Brook is here to give you invaluable insight into the prompts and discuss the motivation behind them. Take advantage of this opportunity to speak to admissions in your own voice!
Harvard University is one of the most competitive schools in the country, and every year admissions officers are faced with countless applications from eager students looking to make the cut. As a result, Harvard's supplemental essay prompts are diverse and complex, to allow students an opportunity to distinguish themselves from their peers. If you're feeling overwhelmed, fear not! CEA's Founder and Chief Advisor, Stacey Brook, is here to break down the Harvard essays so you can hit submit with confidence.
The Stanford University application is nothing short of a doozie -- no less than EIGHT essays of varying lengths for students to answer and submit! To help you tackle this beast, our Founder and Chief Advisor Stacey Brook has created this video guide to walk you through each of the prompts, and give you the tips and tricks you need to make an impression on admissions.
The Boston University essay requirements are a gift to students: two of the most straightforward prompts you could ask for, and only one of them is required! Of course, our Founder and Chief Advisor, Stacey Brook, doesn't believe that any essay is truly optional, so make sure you're taking advantage of every opportunity you have to speak to admissions in your own voice. Plan ahead, pay attention to the questions, and above all don't wait until the last minute to start your work!
We know that submitting your application to the University of Michigan can cause some serious stress. Thankfully, this year Michigan only requires two supplemental essays instead of three! Our Founder and Chief Advisor, Stacey Brook, is here to give you invaluable insight into the prompts and provide you with tips and tricks to help you showcase yourself to admissions using your own unique voice.
New York University (NYU) asks undergraduate applicants to write one supplemental essay (prompt in description below) on top of their Common App personal statement. CEA's Founder and Chief Advisor, Stacey Brook, is here to tell you everything you need to know in order to craft a winning response!
Applying to an Ivy League institution, such as Brown University, can be incredibly stressful! Luckily for you, CEA's Founder and Chief Advisor, Stacey Brook, is here to walk you through Brown's four (4) supplemental essay prompts.
Every year, colleges and universities around the world offer applicants the opportunity to respond to "optional" supplemental essay questions...But are these prompts truly optional? CEA's Founder and Chief Advisor, Stacey Brook, lets you in on a college admissions secret.
There's probably a section of the Common Application that says "Writing", in which all of the supplemental essays live, right? WRONG! Supplements can be found in a variety of places and can sneak up on students who have spent months preparing to submit their applications. Don't let that be you! This video will detail the several different places where you can find supplemental essays.
Vanderbilt University's supplement consists of one prompt (text below). CEA's Founder and Chief Advisor, Stacey Brook, is here to help you take full advantage of this opportunity to illuminate your leadership skills or personal values for admissions.
Want the key to writing the most important and pervasive school-specific supplemental essays? We've got the tips and tricks you need to conquer the ever-popular "Activity" and "Community" supplements so you can showcase for admissions how you spend your time, where you feel like you belong and what truly motivates you to action. Assigned by schools like Harvard, Stanford, The University of Michigan and so many more, mastering these supplemental essays will ensure you utilize every opportunity a school's application provides to showcase your strengths.
Most supplemental essay prompts are designed to both gauge a student’s interest and determine where a student might fit into a school’s particular community. Typically, these essays focus more specifically on future academic and professional goals, school-related activities and a student's role in your current community than the Common App's personal statement. Watch this video for a short and sweet introduction to supplemental essays. Know what you're up against!
The Why Essay takes on many forms and can ask many questions: What will you do when you get here? How will you take advantage of all the resources our school has to offer? How will the school support your academic or professional goals? How do your past experiences or future goals support these claims? It’s likely that many schools to which you apply will as the Why question in slightly different ways (and with a WIDE range of word limits). This video will teach you everything you need to know about how to respond to the "Why do you want to go here?" essay.
There are certain schools, like the University of Chicago, who have always taken special pride in developing crafty questions for their applicants to answer. In recent years, more schools are jumping on the bandwagon, luring students to their applications with questions like “What does #YOLO mean to you” (Tufts, 2013). This is both fun and exhausting for applicants who are grateful for an injection of modern, quirky inspiration, but whose creative wells may be running dry. This video will get down to the bottom line: Why are schools asking these questions and what are they looking for in applicants' responses?
The Boston University application supplement is a gift: two of the most straightforward prompts you could ask for, and only one of them is required [full prompts below]. But beware, a simple supplement is no reason to ignore a school or save it until the last minute. In fact, it means you have no excuse not to nail your essay, so pay attention and do your work!
New York University (NYU) asks undergraduate applicants to pen one supplemental essay (prompt below) in addition to the personal statement. CEA's Founder and Chief Advisor, Stacey Brook, is here to tell you everything you need to know in order to draft a compelling response.
Boston College asks students to select one prompt (out of four) to respond to in 400 words or less (prompts below). So what will you write about? Art, community, a contemporary problem, or character formation? CEA's Founder and Chief Advisor, Stacey Brook, is here to give you all the information you need to select a prompt and write an amazing supplemental essay.
The University of Georgia asks students to write two application essays of 200-300 words. The first prompt is set in stone, and for the second essay, applicants can choose one of four prompts to respond to [prompts below]. CEA's Founder and Chief Advisor, Stacey Brook, is here to tell you everything you need to know about choosing and responding to these prompts for UGA. Let's begin!
The challenge of short answer questions lies half in generating honest, unique and clever ideas, and the other in being concise. The purpose of additional info essays is to provide admissions with an explanation for a drop in grades, low test scores, or prolonged absences. Both of these essay types need to be handled with care -- and that's exactly what this video will show you how to do.
The University of Texas: Austin application is a beast unto itself, with a slew of essay prompts (full text below) that ask you to dig into all aspects of your life. From your home life to your future plans, you're going to have to tell all -- and in a way that sets you apart! Luckily CEA's Founder, Stacey Brook, is here to break down the prompts so you're ready to tackle anything Texas' independent platform throws at you.
Emory University asks first-year applicants to write two (2) essays in addition to the personal statement. Applicants must choose one prompt from the "Reflections" category and one prompt from the "Tell us about you" category. CEA's Founder and Chief Advisor, Stacey Brook, is here to tell you everything you need to know about choosing and responding to these prompts. Let's begin!
These days, most colleges and universities require supplemental applications in addition to the Common Application. You could be looking at a list of 10+ supplemental essays, so we made you a quick guide to the most common supplemental question: "Why do you want to go here?"
Are you planning to apply to Northwestern University? The Founder and Chief Advisor of College Essay Advisors, Stacey Brook, is here to give you invaluable insight into Northwestern's supplemental essay prompt so you can take advantage of this opportunity to speak to admissions in your own voice.
Submitting your college application to the University of Michigan can be a real nail-biter. Michigan requires three supplemental essays. The Founder and Chief Advisor of College Essay Advisors, Stacey Brook, is here to give you invaluable insight into the prompts and the motivation behind them so you can take advantage of this opportunity to speak to admissions in your own voice.
UNC is well-known for being the first public university in the United States and a leader in innovative teaching strategies. The school is also known for receiving many college applications, which means it is crucial for applicants to differentiate themselves in their essays. Luckily for UNC hopefuls, the university gives students two additional supplemental prompts to respond to in order to set themselves apart from the sea of similarly qualified applicants and increase their chances of getting into UNC. College Essay Advisors Founder and Chief Advisor, Stacey Brook, is here to break down the UNC supplemental prompts so you know which essays will showcase your best attributes!
Submitting your college application to Duke University can be a real nail-biter. Although it's probably too late now to tweak your test scores or GPA, you can make sure that your college application essays will bring you admissions success! Duke requires one supplemental short answer and gives students the opportunity to respond to two optional prompts. The Founder and Chief Advisor of College Essay Advisors, Stacey Brook, is here to give you invaluable insight into the prompts and the motivation behind them so you can take advantage of this opportunity to speak to admissions in your own voice.
Harvard University is one of the most competitive schools in the country. Every year admissions officers are bombarded with applications from eager students looking to make the cut. Thus, Harvard has a supplement to give students an opportunity to distinguish themselves from the competition. Writing supplemental essays can be daunting, but luckily for you, College Essay Advisors founder (and admissions expert) Stacey Brook is here to break down the Harvard supplement so you can hit submit with confidence.