If you just received disappointing news from Columbia, you’re not alone. Every year, thousands of Regular Decision applicants receive news that they have been waitlisted. Luckily for you, there are some steps you can take to increase your chances of admission.
We know this is not the news you were hoping for – but it’s still an accomplishment to be waitlisted. (Think how many other applicants were denied admission to Columbia altogether!) Moreover, there is no one school, internship, or job that is going to lead you to success. That’s the great thing about life: we’re in the driver’s seat, and there are more roads available to us with every turn.
We know this isn’t how you dreamed it, but it’s important to secure your place at a school that did accept you in case you do not make it off the Columbia waitlist.
In order to increase your odds of admission, you’ll want to better understand whether admissions wants to hear from waitlisted applicants and, if so, in what capacity. The Columbia FAQ encourages students “to submit an additional one-page statement expressing interest in the waitlist. Additional submissions, including extra letters of recommendation, are discouraged by the Committee on Admissions.”
It’s time to write a one-page statement (also known as a waitlist letter) that will have admissions officers kicking themselves, wondering why they didn’t admit you in the first place. Your personal CEA Advisor can help you to draft a letter that succinctly updates admissions on your recent accomplishments and reconfirms your interest in the institution (if you accept me, I will attend!). This letter needs to be concise and compelling in order to give you a leg up on your competition. Luckily for you, we have been helping applicants draft powerful waitlist letters for 20+ years. So, what are you waiting for?! Get in touch to sign up for your Columbia Waitlist Letter Consultation, and the team at College Essay Advisors will help you increase your chances of admission.