Give College Essay Academy a Try.
Listen, we get it. The waves are crashing, sun is beaming, and all you want to do is chill. You’ve been working all year long to make sure your grades are up to par and that you’ve put enough energy into your (nine-thousand?) activities to make a real impact on your community and make an impression on your dream school. You need a break. A nap! A midnight screening of Wonder Woman! An ice cream cone!!
And you deserve all of those things. We’re just saying that maybe your break shouldn’t last all summer. If you get started on your college essay now, you will thank yourself later. (And you will also have time to see Frozen 2 in the fall.)
Here are just a few reasons summer is the ideal time to write your college essay:
Summertime provides you with about as much freedom as you can get as a high school student. You don’t have AP classes to keep up with, homework to do for late night soccer practice to attend. Don’t take that free time for granted — use it wisely!
Very few people do their best work when they’re rushed. And almost no one produces their most thoughtful writing for a high pressure task like the college essay when they have waited until the last minute (or even the fall!) to dive in. Start early. Give yourself as much time as you can to brainstorm, revise and polish without that clock tick-tocking in the background.
Summer is the time colleges expect to prospective students from around the globe to flood their campuses, asking questions feeling out what their institutions have to offer. Take advantage of these tours if you can. Talk your parents into a road trip and bring along a notebook to record important details (that you can later use in your college essays!). Narrowing down your school list can be difficult, but taking some time to research the schools you think you might like will put you in a position to hit the ground running once school applications go live.
You know how it goes — summer will be over before you know it. So get yourself a hot dog, grab a pen and notebook, and sate your appetite for summer BBQ and college admissions success all at once. Your brain (and stomach) will thank you for it later.