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Why the Common App Essay Prompts Don’t Really Matter

Ivy Divider

common app prompt typewriterWe’re going to let you in on a little secret: it doesn’t matter which of the seven Common App essay prompts you respond to, and admissions does not play favorites with which one you choose!

Yes, really!

So take a deep breath, knowing that you have unlimited options when it comes to the ways in which you approach this personal essay. The main goal here is to tell your story, and these prompts are merely a jumping off point to inspire you. There is no right or wrong answer to these prompts, and we actually recommend brainstorming before choosing the one that works for you. 

This wide range of questions is ideal for exploring essay topics of all tones, styles, and subjects. Your only restriction? 650 words. We happen to believe this is the perfect amount of space in which to make a quick and powerful impression with admissions (and we can help you make every word count!).

Tips for Writing a Memorable Common App Personal Statement

Begin by brainstorming about what makes you unique. Did you grow up in an unconventional household that values emotional intelligence over achievement? Does your approach to life stem from your fourth grade teacher who told you that quality F-R-I-E-N-D-S-H-I-P-S mean more than winning the spelling bee? Are you the kind of person who will never order the same item from a restaurant menu twice because you want to explore all of your taste buds? 

There are so many things that make you unique, and we recommend telling an authentic story filled with sensory details to captivate your reader. The Common App essay is one of very few chances you get to “be in the room” with admissions, speaking in your own voice, so don’t squander it with truisms and platitudes that could be in anyone else’s essay. Sure, we all want to “make the world a better place,” but this isn’t Miss Congeniality. How do you take steps in your life to improve your community? What have you learned from your failures that has made you a better person? What matters here is that you delve into real-life experiences and put your inner life on display along with your experiences. 

Admissions cares most about knowing that you’ll be a positive contributing member of their campus community and they cannot pass up the chance to add you to their ranks.

Nearly any story can be backed into any of the prompts provided, so get the basics down on paper and then peruse the options to see which one fits best and go from there. And remember, there’s always good old Prompt #7 to fall back on—the topic of your choice!

Looking for further brainstorming fodder?
Ivy Divider

We wrote a Common App Essay Prompt Guide for students like you!

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