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Why We’re Remaining Virtual Post-Pandemic

Ivy Divider

As more people are getting vaccinated and covid-related hospitalizations are on a steady decline, the world is starting to open back up again. Students are in school, regulations are lifting, and people are emerging from their homes as they begin to reacclimate to society.


We are now navigating this new world together, one in which remote learning and working from home have become the norm. As we slowly dip our toes back into the in-person waters, one question is on everyone’s mind: Which parts of the pandemic lifestyle do we want to maintain going forward?


At CEA, we will continue to work with our students remotely post-pandemic. In fact, we were working with our clients remotely pre-pandemic! We have found that advising students virtually is a win-win. Our clients work with their Advisors from the comfort of their own homes, comfortable and focused on the task at hand. Feeling stuck today? No problem, we can speak again tomorrow to see if the ideas are flowing then. 

Working remotely with our students allows us to connect seasoned essay Advisors with ambitious students, regardless of their geographical location. Applicants aren’t limited to the service options offered in their region, instead they can connect with someone who knows the college essay writing process in and out — even if they are thousands of miles away.

In working with clients remotely, we’re also more able to adapt to students’ schedules and make special accommodations. Need to meet with your Advisor before the school day? We can make it happen. Want to brainstorm after practice at ten o’clock at night or on the weekends before work? We got you. The fewer restrictions we have in place, the more conducive our meetings are for creative topic exploration and judgement-free drafting. We will meet with you on your time.

As we face this new chapter in global history together, we want you to know that we’ll still be here, on the other side of the screen, ready to help you write an admissions essay worthy of acceptance. Until then, we’re wishing you all a happy and healthy transition back into the world of crowded rooms and coffee breath.

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